We are at a pinnacle of mental illness and it's really sad to witness. Instead of being honest, the self betrayal and expectation for others to support that lie, and harm, by accomodation is another rung in the horror movie playing on the world stage. They say it's letting people be themselves, they fail to mention it's the worst possible version of existence, one of hatred, and suicide, by way of lifestyle and complete loss of control.

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While this is all absolutely true, there seems to be an even more insidious motive that I cannot quite put my finger on...

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...that you can't grasp, you cannot quite get your arms around...?

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Jun 29Liked by Ben Bartee

Well played.


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slim praise...

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I was bullied in grade school all the way through to my freshman year…..for being too skinny and at times being done by overweight kids looking for someone to bully because they were bullied. So what do ya do? I’m tired of skinny puns like hey if you turn sideways and stick out your tongue, you’ll look like a zipper. It’s ridiculous that people think they all need these safe spaces to be themselves. Shit, they can do what I’ve done my whole life. Deal with it.

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Man, those genetic modification injections are not working fast enough. Maybe the fat helps protect the cardio-vascular system from clotting? Love to know statistics of jabbed athletes vs jabbed fats, in categories of injury and death. I think it's good for fats to feel confident enough to go outside and risk mockery. But as per usual, in America, they go way beyond and consume the ideology of identity rather than completely face their problem(s). Social media must have a lot to do with this new expansion of narcissism in the public mind.

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"Plus sized culture" 😂😂😂

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Underwood sits around on “their” (ugh) ass blogging through “their” tears about the anti-fat rhetoric from classmates… rather than, you know, using that time to exercise.

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