So, if you take your overweight or morbidly obese pet into the Vet, you'd likely be shamed for abuse and instructed to put your pet on a diet. And for good reason. But, a piggy snacking on chips is not just OK but is anti-Nazi, or good for women's rights, or some body-positive Dove commercial.
So, if you take your overweight or morbidly obese pet into the Vet, you'd likely be shamed for abuse and instructed to put your pet on a diet. And for good reason. But, a piggy snacking on chips is not just OK but is anti-Nazi, or good for women's rights, or some body-positive Dove commercial.
So, if you take your overweight or morbidly obese pet into the Vet, you'd likely be shamed for abuse and instructed to put your pet on a diet. And for good reason. But, a piggy snacking on chips is not just OK but is anti-Nazi, or good for women's rights, or some body-positive Dove commercial.