I was on a flight the other month and I'm 6'3" with hand luggage only... But my shoes are bigger, my clothes are bigger than the dwarves... It's unfair, where do I complain? Can I start a movement? Can I attack kids with the the same baggage allowance and force my pants into their luggage?

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You ever get the impression America is being prepped for full-on invasion by making everyone fat, stupid, soy shriekers? At least Southwest Airlines could have called the extra seats what they really are - ballast.

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I get that impression on a daily basis. My new year's resolution is to stop paying so much attention, except when I have to bring the news to the good readers of Armageddon Prose.

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We have a full-on invasion in process. Just look at the videos from the border - enormous numbers of military aged men from all over the Third World, who are rapidly dispersed into every small town in the country. Feels like chess pieces being put in place.

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I see a mass resettlement. An invasion would be met with resistance from the inhabitants, but apparently there is no resistance. Therefore, I can only assume the inhabitants are OK with the influx.

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The inhabitants are still blissfully unaware of the nature of the influx because they still trust the media and their government. It's a weakness of inhabitants, that they slowly over time become complacent and apathetic.

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An explanation, but not an excuse.

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I think it's the sense of entitlement - based on absolute selfishness - that offends.

Nevertheless, the universe has a way of reducing such egos - and much else - eventually.

Happy New Year, Ben.

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and to you as well!

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If you can't climb up a rope you can't be a gym teacher, .,.... period.

If you can't fit on a single seat in a plane what sort of mess are you going to leave behind in a toilet on that plane for others to clean up because you can't even reach to wipe your backside?

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Diabetes hypertension and asthma literally cannot teach gym classes properly - and yet he yells fat discrimination.

Men who can’t cut it as athletes (Lia Thomas ranked 400+) yell identifying-as-female discrimination.

Bunch of crybabies who can’t get their own way and won’t do the work.

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p.s. I think if I was stuck in the seat next door I’d be surrupticiously poking with a safety pin if the rolls rolled over the armrest. But that’s me

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Maybe they should pick a fat token chic next time at Harvard instead of a black token chic. They'll get more for the money.

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We candidates for rescuing by Greenpeace need to quit blubbering, but fat chance of that ever happening. I do think we can PC describe us fat people as "gravitationally attractive." Ever since Newton, we've known that gravitational attraction is proportional to mass so unlike most euphenisms, "gravitationally attractive" is actually accurate. Come to think of it, gravity is a part of physics, a very fat part of it, so to speak. So in a very real sense, someone who's gravitationally attractive is physically attractive. I can see my profile now: "whale of a guy, twice as attractive as when he was in high school." Some may claim I've subtly changed the context in which the word "attractive" occurs, but they're wrong. It's not subtle at all, quibblers. Hey, they all loved me when I was a bald and chubby baby even though I messed up my diapers, and that's not a problem anymore. Go figure. Just shoot me into space, where I'll start attracting cosmic pebbles and dust and in a few million years, I'll be a planet, or at least a respectable moon.

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I can't imagine where Southwest thinks this is going. Do they believe they're going to drive the rest of the industry into this behavior? And, if they can't, how will they compete as non-whales abandon them because they're tired of being kicked off planes in favor of whales? How will SW turn a profit in an industry that already has paper-thin margins when they can only get half the amount of passengers on board as any of their rivals? It's so idiotic. DIE has forced every company to staff up its management chain with incompetent boobs and DIE priests.

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I have a feeling this is a virtue flex that they'll quietly roll back after they squeeze some good PR out of it. But it might come back to bite them if the fats complain too hard on social media when they do

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Oh they will. If this is their plan, they're about to find out what a bad plan it is. If they thought whales got angry when you thwarted them, just wait until they find out what happens when you show that you were fooling them all along for likes. Apostasy is a far more egregious crime than bigotry.

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Well said sir. Fatties will be the next protected class, because why not, just add it to the list! 🤦🏻‍♂️

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