adding a modest amount of weight in winter and shedding it in summer is probably not a big deal. Just based on intuition, it might even be biologically natural, although I haven't looked into it
adding a modest amount of weight in winter and shedding it in summer is probably not a big deal. Just based on intuition, it might even be biologically natural, although I haven't looked into it
I am normally bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range but every Winter as sure as the sun rises most days I put on a couple of Kilos that take me above that midpoint and sure as the sun rises most days I lose that weight again by the end of March. Lots of animals living in cold climates survive only because they gain and lose weight seasonally so I expect cold adapted humans like Northern Europeans would do as well.
adding a modest amount of weight in winter and shedding it in summer is probably not a big deal. Just based on intuition, it might even be biologically natural, although I haven't looked into it
I am normally bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range but every Winter as sure as the sun rises most days I put on a couple of Kilos that take me above that midpoint and sure as the sun rises most days I lose that weight again by the end of March. Lots of animals living in cold climates survive only because they gain and lose weight seasonally so I expect cold adapted humans like Northern Europeans would do as well.