I think your nearly unlimited benevolence - and accompanying humility - can remain intact and it is only your sights you need to raise......have you ever seen Downes folk at work or focused on a task ?simpy THE happiest, cheeriest and dedicated imaginable; unless one is your boss in which case you had better toe the line exactly as is scheduled. Admittedly what most folk would consider to be in the more repetitious boring jobs but jobs which are taken very seriously -and necessary to be so - by a Downes boss. Thier cheerful hospitality and desire to make one welcome is unsurpassed in a social setting. I love your immaculately conceived concept !

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Dont beat yourself up. It's really difficult to even have an original thought.

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Your idea could be very workable because I am the guardian of a girl who has Downs and she is great. I taught her how to cook and she totally took off. She would call me and say "guess what I made?" And she would surprise me with things like Italian Minestrone Soup. She would also take pictures of her meal and send them to me. What a joy! She also likes to work, and wants to feel like her efforts are needed. I became her guardian years ago when I was going through some very dark times, and helping her, helped me tremendously. In the intervening years she has brought me much joy. Soooo, your idea of a restaurant is possible - for sure!

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That's an awesome inspirational story.

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It sounds wonderful! So what if there’s another? Do it anyway. It’ll still be different because it’s yours.

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No good thought is ever wasted!

There'll be other opportunities, on a similar theme and with a few tweaks, that will blossom and succeed.

Goodness is fecund!

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Perhaps greatly compassionate minds think alike? Good things are worth repeating and uniquely bad is still bad. Besides, the Downes will bring their own uniqueness to whatever restaurant they work in, just as each Impressionist painter brought their own vision within a common approach.

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Lots of independent 'central processing units' out there...

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