Anthony Bourdain...

"Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”

Good riddance to that colossal bag of shit, one of his last public appearances was in London with Blair's Institute... One can but hope that it was something deadly and contagious that finally finished him off... Cunt.

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Just study "Pedo-Dollar"

What Kissinger setup with Satanic "House of Saud" was the deal they could not refuse;

Their selling their GOLD "OIL" for worthless USD backed by shit, was never the gist of the "Petro-Dollar" as publicly "MYTHOLOGIZED" the real deal was the "PEDO-DOLLAR" where 10k children 2-3 years of age USA originated were pledged to SAUDI to be kidnapped in USA and sent to "House of Saud" and loyal gulf state "Partners" for some 50 years;

All worked well until 2019 when Saudi became concerned that most of the kids arriving had meth, fentanyl, & crack in their blood-lines as most parents in the USA where the children were sourced were drug ridden.

So they pivoted to UKRAINE to source children, and now today Ireland;



The truth is NOBODY in UK commonwealth can handle the truth, including the UK “USA penal colony”.

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Zionist funded shit rag Breitbart and its editor hoors on Xitter are praising the war criminal as if he was some inspirational figure. Most people don't realize that while he was being awarded the Nobel piss prize he was bombing Cambodia. One down, a few thousand more to go.

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Zerohedge aka ZH, is ABC-MEDIA-LTD, which is Serco-Group which is GCHQ the NSA of London; All is ZOG - Zionist occupied Governments worldwide

Brietbart is ZOG, twitter is ZOG, MUSK is an heir to the deBeers/Rhodes SA diamond fortune a Trillionaire, and the heir of today CIA/MOSSAD/MS5/KGB/CSB ( that's right China&Russia too are ZOG creations from the 1920's forward )


Not much to be said

Peter Thiel owns "Parabiosys" the infant blood transfusion biz, him & MUSK have been 'partners' since they were children in ALL biz from paypal to ebay, to now Musks hobbys and Thiels CIA franchises Palantir & Clearview ( SKYNET killing AI )

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There's more complexity with the Russian Zio ties. Many nationalist anti-communist Russians (Putin appears to be one of them based on his actions in Syria and alliances with Turkey against the Zionist agenda) They despise the Zionists who were behind the Bolshevik and Stalinist slaughters, famines, and gulags. 85% of KGB officers were fromer Khazar Jews used by Zionists who slaughtered millions of Christians. Zionist bankers funded them all, as well as the Nazis. ZIonists brokered deals with Hitler to create jewish refugees to flood the holy land in preparation for the fabricated new state, in the works since the Rothschilds bought up the land and the Brits signed off on it. The current FSB in Russia, may not be as embedded as the CIA and MI5 with Mossad. The UkroNazi SBU on the other hand is a different story. As for politicos, yes they control 90% of them, including 99% of US congress, and newly elected "populists" in Argentina and Netherlands. In fact they were selected precisely for their loyalties and willingness to kiss the Zio ring. While Geert Wilders is the perfect man to stir up the new arrivals and create classic Zio chaos, "You and you fight it out and destroy your country." Zio M.O. for over a century now - fund endless immigration of unassimilable peoples to destroy Europe and divide other religious groups against each other. The flames of chaos everwhere begin and end with zionists and their queer cousins, the globalists. As for Musk, his entire hero story is completely fabricated. The guy never had any talent at anything, only daddy's money. Blackrock props up Tesla stock to keep him wealthy and situated to be controlled op, and even they still have to go and kiss the zio ring. Didn't congress recently pass a vote condemning antizionism as anti-semetism with only Thomas Massie voting against? EVERY Motherfer there are AIPAC hoors. The most hilarious fact is that many jews in Israel aren't even Semitic peoples. They originated from the Turks and Mongol as nomads (Jewish converts) of the Khazarian Kingdom, that collapsed and sent them all roaming into Eastern Europe and Russia, and then on south on the Rothschild's dime in the twentieth century to steal land in Palestine. The whole origin story of Israel is as much a farce as Elon's backstory. What a world.

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And another one bites the dust. Yay!!

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"only I’m not as certain as the devoted atheist Hitchens that there isn’t a hell for Kissinger to go to. It’s times like this that I hope there is."

Oh there is. Nobody escapes justice, we just like to think we do. May the transhumanist dominoes of death begin.

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They come in 3s … Biden next?

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Hopefully it will be the Federal Reserve that dies next. Perhaps that will take care of all the parasites attached to humanity.

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Carter. Just last week I said he was only allowed to expire once Kissinger goes first. We'll see.

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Have to be somebody like 'SOROS" but all these guys seem to be around 100 years age, where it becomes statically likely to die in your sleep tomorrow;

Most of our ex-POTUS seem to live to their 90's if not assassinated or Alzheimer'd

The tell here is 'trillionaires' dying suddenly when they reach 100 years of age

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Doubtful that the devil is inserting a trident into one of his faithful and totally loyal disciples. Well, maybe, since Kissinger is of no further use to him but who knows ? once somebody has served his or her purpose , discardment is what happens. But be of good cheer...there really and truly is a God

....well, at least take heart despite what we see and hear going on in this topsy turvy world we are now in with the corruptness more and more apparent by the day. Kissinger and his ilk will be dealt for absolute certainty. My hope is that it is done slowly.

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Google Parabiosys - immortality for rich from infant blood

The entire deal of Munger, Buffet, Gates, Kissinger, and Soros is infinite IMMortality with infant-blood

We can ONLY assume that their BRAINS were FROZEN that they didn’t die,

Just two years ago now they have perfected transplanting a ‘chimps brain’ into a younger healthier chimp. So it now works;

Parabiosys works, its no COHENCIDENCE that all the worlds trillionaire pedophiles are all ‘dying’ at once, or are they being “RE-BORN” in secret in new healthy immortal bodys??

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It was perfected on monkeys some 2-5 years ago; 100% reliable now on humans if you have the 'jew-bucks'

To take a human brain and transfer it into a younger healthier body; These men were all, already on 'parabiosys' and you don't wait for death of the brain for the transfer.

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Six years ago CHINA had already started transplanting 'human-heads' (brains), that was 2017, now its widely being done;


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It's 100% dialed in now in China, and note MUNGER & KISSINGER both spent their last fifty years in CHINA paying for this research in HARBIN

A best selling book in China called "Uncle Mungers Almanac" like Benjamin Franklins almanac, China even calls him 'uncle-munger'; Who provides Taoism wise quotes;


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New movie needed, from Stew Peters, titled “Died Unsuddenly: How Come None Of The Cabal Died Suddenly?”

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HOLY FUCK, is almost like all the witnesses to the 70+ year "PEDO DOLLAR" system are expiring all at once

Yesterday it was MUNGER the brains of the "Boystown" Omaha OPeration +60 years

Now Kissinger the guy that sold the "PEDO-DOLLAR" deal to Saudi in 1972 in the first place

With all witnesses dead & gone, how will the 'truth' ever be confirmed by those that signed off the deals??



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The truth is NOBODY in UK commonwealth can handle the truth, including the UK owned “USA/OZ penal colony's”.

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People need to understand that Warren-Buffet ran "Boystown" in Omaha during the time of the "Franklin Coverup" where children were flown into the BUSH white-house for sex, and all over the USA;

They even had a "Girls Town" operational, once the Franklin Coverup of late 1980's got busted BUFFET had to shutdown "Boystown" and source "ORPHANS" from other locations (WACO) whereever he owned the "PRESS". Munger was the brains of all Buffet operations, Buffet was always just the salesman.

Essentially they were running "EPSTEIN" style compromising of elected officials decades before Epstein arrived on the scene in 1985 to become "Trumps Mentor" after Roy Cohn died;

In order to take over the entire USA "Insurance Racket" they had to own the USA elected GOV, and the FBI had shown the way back in 1930's with homo-sexual, and later pedophile entrapment.

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Arafat got that "Peace Prize" as well, didn't he? yeah, all the best most peace-loving get that thing.

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