How does one "train" a piece of software after it has been written and debugged?

It is the programmers that need to be trained to be non-judgemental and polite and their software will be.

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Reporting live from the front lines in Miami Beach -

Media reporting on this issue uses misleading terminology. There is no problem with actual Spring Break tourists. We love tourists here, that's our main industry.

The problem is that big crowds of thugs from across the bridge in Miami city, would congregate on Miami Beach island, and get violent. Over the top excessive police presence did little to deter the rowdy crowds. There was a stampede too.

For the past few years this happened around college spring break time. Thus the name "Spring Break", tho it was nothing like one imagines spring break at the beach. I'd be very surprised if most folks in those crowds had cracked a book in the past month.

The new mayor of Miami Beach, Meiner, seems rather smarter than his predecessor Mayor Gelber. This year the city has turned off public street parking for non-residents, and made the city parking garages gratuitously expensive. I haven't checked but it wouldn't surprise me if the private garages raised their rates too.

Sooooooo far it seems to be working. We have plenty of happy tourists enjoying the beach and patronizing our fine, totally-not-tourist-trap businesses. Tourists of all nationalities and colors, provided their money is green.

I'd say more tourists even than the previous few years. Real tourists have no interest in parking. A car is fully unnecessary in South Beach, burdensome even. That's part of the destination appeal.

But lack of parking does seem to be detering big crowds from forming and aimlessly milling about and stabbing and shooting each other. So far it's working. Tho we have a while to go until the peak season.

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I have been hearing a lot of chatter lately that AI bots are flooding social media sites with media, threatening to squeeze capacity requirements and thus cause the sits to go down. Many have responded by requiring paid subscriptions to post media. But, of course, since the people behind the bots have access to the Federal Reserve Printing Press, this only going to be stopgap measure, as the sites might become rich while their users become impoverished.

The Internet as we know it is about to end, as it becomes utterly flooded with media and interaction ceases. Then, it will be limited to those groups allowed to post, and we will return to the status quo of the 1980's, where Mass Media is totally controlled by the cabal.

The solution is to form local groups that can be in physical contact and be able to help each other by formng sustainable communites. Time is almost up. People should stop depending on their smartphones and the infrastructure because very soon they are going to be locked out by these hidden forces working behind the scenes.

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