Sep 7, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

One of Dirty Harry's paid DNC talking points was how the people of Maui cheered Biden's visit. Jeered would have been the truth.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Going after the youth is a standard tactic because "The most productive slave is a slave that believes they are free."

America was captured over 100 years ago and the citizens will never regain their country nor sovereignty if they have a debilitating fear of being called or labeled words.

To hell with NPCs, conformists, and fence sitters - FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT FEELINGS:

- Printable flyers to email/distribute - https://www.gtvflyers.com/

- A 12-hour must watch documentary, Allies LOST WWII - https://europathelastbattle.net/

- Deprogram from a lifetime of lies - https://archive.ph/1RE3U

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Breaking Points did not do their homework. They thought they were getting two rabid political party fanatics. Harry qualified as one but not Link Lauren. Link continued to espouse his more open minded view. However, Kristallnacht would not hear of that. She hammered him continuously trying to cajole him into being a Trumper. Apparently her crystal ball malfunctioned.

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since you claim to be an English teacher, perhaps edit this:

"As any normal person would whom life has put through the ringer"

It's "wringer" not "ringer"

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