Pathological projection-their most often used tactic. Overheard in a restaurant tonight “That Breitbart and OAN distort the facts just to divide us instead of just reporting the facts like CNN and MSNBC. They all nodded in agreement. Sigh...

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Don't worry Ben - the time is nigh! My team are on the ball and God is winning: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/09/17/mour-bo-ponly-or-mour-baloney/

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The Praetorian is strong, but small.

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Stooge George W. Bush is responsible for kick starting the Gestapo Police State. His father was CIA, and W. was a sucker for CIA and FBI propaganda that saw threats to the absolute rule of the US warmonger oligarchs. Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld were drunk with power after their orgy of Iraq-Iran-Afghan "nation building" and they seized upon the opportunity to further expand the Pentagon and to inject steroids into the 17 agencies of the domestic spy machine.

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Well, the Administration's pivot aged like fine wine as the rest of the globe explodes.

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