Perhaps I'm just privileged enough to avoid any and all forms of mainstream media propaganda. My only exposure to this nonsense was back in 2020 on a trip up to Maryland to look at a boat. I had to get gas and the manager approached me as I was removing my credit card from the reader. As she persistently mumbled through her mask, I simply ignored her long enough to get my tank filled and leave.

I also encountered a Walmart nazi at the entrance who indicated that I needed a mask to enter the store. As i passed by her, I told her I was going to get a box there at Walmart. She found this acceptable.

Sometimes you just have to fight bullshit with more bullshit.

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lol, indeed

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Herd Stupidity


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Thanks Ben for highlighting their modus operandi which is consistent across the board and is such a well-worn method. UK have been using the, "noting to do with us gov" weasel words for generations. Take the UK Digital ID programme for example. I wrote about it some weeks ago and here is the Daily Sceptic: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/02/20/government-consults-on-digital-id/

"This time it is the Cabinet Office announcing plans to share our personal data more widely across Government departments, so our digital identities can be verified when we access public services but “without creating ID cards” (see how they did that?). Delivering on the British people’s priorities, I suppose. No doubt MPs’ inboxes have been filling up with desperate cries from constituents: we demand that Government extends its provision for sharing and verifying our digital identity. By coincidence, a similar demand came from a former Prime Minister in Davos (where else?) this month. Tony Blair (who else?) continued his agitation, now into its third decade, for a global digital identity system, which of course must include our full vaccination status."

HMG will not mandate anything, they will leave it to their private contractors to exclude anyone without a D.ID for all resources, including bank accounts, passports, health services...etc.

TPTB hold all the cards - the only defence is to prepare to live off-grid and have a Plan 'B': https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/progressing-plan-b-a-quarterly-review?s=w

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Hi Ben, new paid subscriber here.

I have to say that I really enjoy your writing style.

"I was led to believe this little goblin had retired. Yet here he pops up again, like a recurring herpes infection." A damn fine description, lol!

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thanks, and thanks again for the paid sub. I appreciate it very much.

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"It puts the mask on its skin or else it gets locked down again."

Very good, and definitely a valid analogy. I don't have the stomach to watch the interview, but didn't the CNN host actually push back a bit? Surprising, even if tepid.

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CNN can get fooked. It seems like a subtle attempt by them feigning to jump aboard the aghast, shocked, anti-mask, anti-authoritarianism movement, whilst quietly enabling the conversation to open up for criticising or "debunking" any studies showing masks are worthless. We shouldn't bother arguing the case for efficacy, as it's all bollocks anyway with the scamdemic. We should just stand firm in non compliance to illegal mask mandates.

Still, good to see Fraudci squirm, albeit likely all strategised out for the ole' pressure release valve and a mini (literally) fall-guy.

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