Originally published via The Daily Bell: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. That the “public health experts” would social justice-ize the COVID agenda was inevitable. As Anita Sarkeesian deftly and succinctly observed:
Somehow I’d missed Noam Chomsky’s cruel approach to coercing an experimental gene therapy on those who choose not to be part of the experiment. Chomsky has always claimed his motives are for the ‘greater good’ but this latest desire to starve people out is a new low, even for Chomsky.
Somehow I’d missed Noam Chomsky’s cruel approach to coercing an experimental gene therapy on those who choose not to be part of the experiment. Chomsky has always claimed his motives are for the ‘greater good’ but this latest desire to starve people out is a new low, even for Chomsky.