Not even the Onion and the Babylon Bee can make this up. The good news is that Yuval Noah Harari is basically farting out his mouth. The "Biometric surveillance" is as fake and ghey as the moon landings. People, if this crap was real, they would not want your footprints splattered all over the birth certificate on top of thumbprints and retina scans and DNA markers and etc. If this stuff was for real, there would be no such thing as social security numbers and passports and the TSA. They could just fire all the goons or give them a job at the peanut stand. (or is that the cricket cracker stand?) For crying out loud, most states have done away with registration stickers because it save them paperwork. And soon license plates are going to be replaced with QR codes. They are bankrupt and looking for every which way to save money.

If you are engaged at all in the American political process you are beyond hope. Do you really think your vote counts?

Pray your rosary. That is the only thing that counts at this point, along with spiitting wood and learning survival skills.

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Poor little Yuval!

So confident. So bold. He reminds me of a three year old staking their claim on the world (the nursery, actually) and demanding subservience from the big people.

Whether Operation Barbarrosa or the French Revolution, those who began with an all-conquering vision ended up either without heads or terminally splattered over the snow.

We live and learn or we don’t learn and don’t live long.

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At this point, if Trump doesn't stop with the "beautiful vax" crap, I may vote for RFKJr. I'm already taking issue with some of his other stances as well. That "beautiful vax" killed or maimed millions of people. And Yuval needs to have his liver fed to something vile.

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Harari's comments are so consistently repellent that I have to wonder if he's engaging in some kind of psy-op.

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I've always referred to Harari as a weasel. See the Image For the Day from 09/13/22 @ https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2022/09/13/67080/

Glad to see that you share that opinion. Linking tomorrow!!!

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I know!

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Mate, it's fascist filth... Benito disavowed Marx in '33... Look at the construct and leave the man in Highgate alone.

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Yuval can have my attitude toward government right now, no fancy AI surveillance needed: it exists to serve the citizenry not the other way around. There is a warning embedded in this fact that we, and government, would do well to heed.

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If only Trump would go full-scorched earth in the vain of Javier Milei, but we all know that won't happen. For all the talk of drain the swamp, he actually is quite an institutionalist that brings in other establishment goons.

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Why aren't the justices rounding up these officials and prosecuting them according to existing laws that are already designed to protect us?

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