Hang 'em high.

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Dr Peter Hotez was running his mouth about the Covid shot in regards to kids. I asked my kids if they were thinking about vaccinating the grandkids, & everyone's answer was a resounding NO. Thank goodness because I was 'ready for bear' with my 20 reasons not to go near them with that shot.

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... I count myself lucky I'm still be alive. I was poisoned, by two Moderna jabs, 2021. Barbara, my wife, I miss her. Terribly. Arm-twisted into the Pfizer jabs by UCLA Pulmonologists, she perished shortly after her third. I'm hearing as many people died from the coronavirus jabs as they do, the virus. I'm hearing these doctors were laughing it up, all the way to the bank, spiffed US$250 under-the-table by big pharma, for every coronavirus jab they administered. I'm hearing some of these doctors profited to such extent, from these coronavirus jabs, they now have enough to pay off their mansions, their exotic cars, they never have to work a day, the rest of their natural lives. If you can believe that? - Samuel.

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Let's murder 30 million people and then have a propaganda roundup to see what happened. Hotez is a paid off big pharma stooge. IGNORE!

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Hotez is a complete dumbass. Wonder how much Big Pharma is paying him to defend this bullshit. Unless he's just really that dense.

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Build more prisons, gallows and guillotines.

Furthermore, just look at Hotez's hair. The state of the skin and hair are indicative of healt. His hair is like coconut matting - he doesn't seem to know what health is - not good for a doctor. Keep away from that one.

So much I could say - I've had to rein myself in.

Thanks, Ben.

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First, we need a system to convict and sentence these murdering criminals. The current system is useless.

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