All the friendships I spent years developing with common interests, etc. evaporated when I said COVID was a scam and the shots dangerous. They all turned against me, believing what the govt said was true. Now I noticed our local WMUR buried the Trump-RFK jr alliance way way down where no one will see it on the homepage. When it's Kamala it's splashed everywhere. Notice that's what the WSJ did. Their paper is almost completely propaganda in every article now. The letters to the editor regurgitate the propaganda. I got kicked off twitter again for saying Kammie was an anchor baby and not natural born.

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... Rh positive, blood type A, we really had a time of it, with the Moderna. Couldn't walk for a month. After my second jab, it's as sick as I've ever been. The Pfizer killed my wife. I'm popping the nattokinase and the curcumin, desperate to find a way to detox, from the poison they jabbed us with - Samuel.

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Ugh, these people. I have, in my mind, named them "trash-talkers" (only due to the limitations of my imagination, not because it's a term that's even nearly strong enough. Suggestions welcomed). I often try, usually in vain, to imagine the psyches of people who either fervently believe in this twisted narrative, e.g. in this case of such a clearly good and honorable man, or are simply prostituting themselves as producers of shitty propaganda.

I feel for Bobby Kennedy. I was excommunicated by my own family years ago for disobedience, and more recently shunned by individuals on my spouse's side of the family for not falling in line with the Covid nonsense, and you're right, it stings. There's an existential tinge to it, something rooted very deeply in the human psyche, as ostracism and shunning constituted, in pre-historic times, a death-sentence. His decision to go ahead and do the right thing for the country, not for himself, despite of the consequences, only deepens my admiration for him. It's truly a balm for the soul, in times of selfish power-hungry "leaders" and brainless followers to see someone of integrity step up.

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The media is not what you think it is. These are paid shrubs that tow the globalist line and they can hardly think outside the box they are trapped in. Never trust the MSM.

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The liberal-fascist CFR and its network of corporations, foundations, and NGOs has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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The very thin ice of left-wing (family or not) residual rationality keeps a'popping and cracking under the weight of their chronic mental disturbance. Painful to watch.

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... I don't know how you people do it. Whatever it is the TV people are doing, with the psy-op thing? Alienated, I can't sit for advertiser supported television, not even 5 minutes, without flipping the effing thing off. Haven't turned boob-tube back on, since they ambulanced Barbara away - Samuel.

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I’m sorry for your loss. My three brothers all took the jab and a sister. I’m afraid none of this ends well.

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Great analysis by Alex Castellanos. Ron Brownstein seems blind to everything Alex and the host says.

The Democrats seem to exist in their own tribal bubble. Hating and fearing the Orange Man justifies anything and everything. They get this way - at least the leaders of the cult of what passes for the left these days - by individually trying to out-do each other in terms of virtuous thought and speech.

For example, the extraordinary extremes of "shout your abortion" and the continued support for trans or at least supposedly trans M->F people even though they trample on women in every way, while pretending to *be* women, and insisting that everyone treat them as women, when they are the most ungracious, unfeminine, obnoxious and offensive set of celebrated people on Earth by a long shot. Its all a result of the algorithm Wokesters adopt for their self-soothing, guild avoidance (make someone else righteously guilty and you have done a good day's work, to assuage the guilt of being white, wealthy, etc.), social climbing performative virtue signaling, by which they vie to outdo each other. Women as an oppressed class in need of care and protection and so worthy of adopting as an ally? So last century. Now, everyone who strives to be Good has much more urgently needful oppressed people to prioritise. Trans people are flavor of the decade in this respect.

There's an element in this Wokism of performative horror, like when siege armies catapulted heads of the castle's soldiers, or entire living soldiers, over the parapet to demoralise the occupants. "Shout Your Abortion!" I recall was a T-shirt worn by an otherwise superficially attractive 20-something woman at a protest some time last year. It strikes fear into the heart of the enemy - so all in a good day's work.

Likewise celebrating the most unlikely M->F purported trans people as actual women. All that matters is the upset caused to the enemy and how extreme the wokester can be in their purity and devotion to right-think. So many cycles of head being rammed up their own inappropriate bodily orifice that the resulting anatomy defies concrete description . . . "recursive spirals", "pretzels to the nth power" . . . . . . what can adequately describe what these people have twisted themselves into in even one realm, such as fanning the flames of the trans-activist shit fest, and so forcing monstrous males into women's spaces and using schools, doctors and counselors to goad vulnerable teenage girls into thinking they have been "misgendered at birth" and would be happier if they grew a beard and had their breasts surgically removed.

The grotesque extremes of the current pseudo-left cult are devastating individuals and dividing families and the whole country.

In all this, they - including Ron Brownstein, Stuart Stevens and Ali Velshi - can only focus on how horrific the Orange Man is according to the sensibilities of the righteous (the wokesters).

Whoever wrote the "The Nation" piece has no understanding of RFK Jnr., the people who passionately support him or the problems they are united in tackling. Likewise the Kennedy family members who are aghast at RFK Jnr.

This is a tribe of blind people, running around themselves in circles, shouting about the horrible world outside their circle, but controlling the government, the military and the medical system, while those who profit from the vast military expenditures and all the illness and expensive treatment arrangements fund them.

Sasha Stone has a great Substack article today https://sashastone.substack.com/p/they-love-bombed-us-with-kamala including especially a clip of Vivek Ramaswamy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2G5-Tt71fA detailing how the big companies, including the big Silicon Valley social media networks (apart from Twitter / X) do a trade ("mutual prostitution", he calls it) whereby the corporates support DEI, the trans-activist shit fest, Net Zero etc. - and censorship of speech contrary to Woke principles - in return for the lefties not blowing the whistle on their profits, corruption and monopolies.

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M$M fifth column of Presstitutes and their Corporate Pimps(cia).

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They're panicked.

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Ben and his readers who have travleled a similar path would be happier if they took the path us Chrisitans have.

We saw the lying and bias and propoganda clearer and earlier and came to expect it.

The DNC and the media.

Now most institutions of government.

I have grown scared of my local law enforcement in the last 20 years since the professors took over the police acadamies.

It's a changed world.

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Aug 25
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Katrina vanden Heuvel, owner/publisher and former editor of the Nation magazine, is a lifetime member of the liberal-fascist CFR. Her father William was executive assistant to OSS/CIA founder "Wild Bill" Donovan, both of whom were CFR members. Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird" to coordinate the media, was a CFR director for 40 years. Same stuff, different decade. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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