There’s so much “coincidence” surrounding this issue, their plans should be plain as the nose on a normie’s face.

Operative words: should be.

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Franken-farming, AI drone-operated farmerless farms, synthetic food, and the "China Model" - Interesting piece at Off Guardian, with a focus on the UK, and the excellent research done by Sandi Adams: https://off-guardian.org/2024/03/05/the-food-transition-is-a-war-on-food-farmers-and-the-public/

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Are there any climate fanatics who questioned the COVID 'vaccine'? I don't know what the actual phenomenon is called--but it is noticing something in the news in which you have subject matter expertise, and calling out appropriate BS when seeing lies. THEN--it is reading something about which you know little, and accepting it as Gospel.

My thought is a strategy that doesn't confront the Climate Believers directly, confront or challenge a secondary/tertiary belief--maybe it is the vaccine or COVID origins or masks or whatever. Dope Sick is a good example. The FDA is 100% corrupt--and then show how it was done again with Pfizer and the FDA's Scott Gottlieb.

Follow the money in medicine, then follow the money in this climate nonsense.

My wife is vegetarian. Has been since we began dating 32 years ago. I get the emotional vegetarian. Reading Fast Food Nation is enough to make even the most indifferent to animal well being consider changing some of their eating habits.

When the lab meat first started making waves--2016/17ish--I thought I'd buy it. If there was a way to eat meat and mitigate the suffering of animals, hey man--I'm all in.

I've come to the conclusion that the best way going forward it to eat Kosher or as close as I can. I don't know all of the rules around Kosher food, actually none--but I do understand that part of the definition is to limit suffering. I'm all for that.

Next best are all of these family farm, grass fed producers.


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if I thought that any of these lawsuits against beef producers were actually about cleaning up the industry (all the antibiotics they pump the cows full of, the horrendous conditions, etc.) I'd probably be for it, depending on how such a regime would be developed and enforced. the factory farming industry is super fucked up. But all this Letitia James business is about is shutting down food production.

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Agreed. 100%. Letitia & her ilk are anti-human. They want people to die. People are the problem. They mask their contempt for people in 'devouring mother compassion'. Munchausen by-proxy, but instead of their own children, they want the 'others' to suffer and die.


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... you can snow anybody but a snowman! Drop dead stupid woman with the God complex, showboating, trying to make herself appear as though she isn't singling out, targeting just one person, for selective prosecution - Samuel

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A survey a few weeks ago found that 89% of our elites are in favor of eating bugs, not using anything dependent on fossil fuels, and quarantining themselves in 15 minute cities and the Metaverse ( when completed ).

AG James is a member of this elite and she believes that our “ common good “, properly understood; means that we should all embrace our brainwashing, sterilization, and euthanization happily; while paying for it.

After all, all useless eaters are equal, diverse, and included; and shall remain so, until they no longer are a threat to the environment.

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do you have a link to this survey?

There is no way elites are in favor of doing any of those things themselves; they just want to force everyone else to

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Keep in mind, there are the “elites” as in this survey who constitute the useful idiots doing the bidding of the “real elites” as in the WEF or World Enslavement Forum.


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What ever the issue, whatever the target, whatever the point - it is not the point. The ONLY point is ALWAYS and forever, the revolution. It is the Marxist/Fascist/WEF/globalist way. It has been ever thus.

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Yum, yum, yum, a self growing cancer burger! Not only does it sound delicious - but it *definitely* doesn't present any unforseen or novel health risks!

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