You need to work on expressing your true feelings!

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In true American fashion, let's drop the princess nonsense and regard Kate the human being, wife and mother, and wish her well. Sometimes an event like this causes a person to have greater sympathy for others; given that this terrible disease has befallen Kate, perhaps she can bring that kind of good out of evil.

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Jeez Ben, tell us how you really feel about the Royals. LOL. I couldn't give a flying shit if they all went bye-bye. They affect the quality of my life not one iota. Parasite Class. Zero use for any of them. When that big ol' solar Killshot makes its way past our eroding magnetic field, (we're down roughly 30 - 40% now) they'll be as useless as tits on a bull, seeing as how not a one of them has ever done any real work in their lives.

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I get that your Scotch-Irish or whatever and hate Englanders but shitting on a mother of three with cancer is just mean.

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If it was the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jabs causing/accelerating the failure of the immune system and therefor "cancer"... It serves them well.

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Tell it!!! They probably are pushing this propaganda to push a new "cancer jabba jabba do."

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traitor ketanjii brown jackson

justice denied by her faction

she’s no guardian of our rights

she wants restrictions which are tight


does not want to hamstring Big Gov

for people’s rights she shows no love

and Big Gov is who she protects

the people’s voice gets no respect


proves she hates the constitution

that failure has one solution

she’s not qualified for the job

for our rights she’s going to rob


a test by dunking for this witch

and if she floats impeach the bitch


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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Ha, Ha. I feel like Ben is holding back how he REALLY feels about the subject. Anyone else get that vibe?

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However you may feel about royalty, Kate Middleton is still a human, worthy of respect, if only for the reason of her humanity. I hope that if you get cancer, no one treats you like you are treating her.

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They are that is why I get a grown of salt when people idolize them.

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We don’t have to hate anyone but seeing through the deceits. The royal family is a corrupt bloodline.

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She and her husband supposedly got the jab and then counseled this couple to get the jab one had asthma and the other diabetes? The experimental bio weapon.

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I bet the royals all really get real cancer treatment that is denied to all the goyim anyway, that is why they all get to live to around a hundred years old. The Jewess Middleton has three Jewish children, Jews are intermarried or heavily associated with the 'British' royals throughout. King Charles was circumcised by the chief rabbinical mohul in all of England, he also inherited the position of Governor General of The Church of England from Queen Elizabeth II.

The Jewish AMA head Morris Fishbein heavily suppressed the cancer cures of Rife and other researchers in 1939 and onwards, the Jewish Rockefellers stated in 1969 that they possessed the cures for 'most cancers' (all cancers in reality) but that they do not know if these cures will ever be released.

That literal Leninist Bolshevik Judaic act of war against all of humanity has already cost the lives of hundreds of millions, and at current rates of cancer, that TPTB really have absolutely no real intention of ever really curing, the death rate from this Jewish act of war will amount to literally billions over the coming next few decades. The Royal College of Surgeons in England were highly impressed by Rife's 100% successful treatment of 100% of cancer patients when his treatment was tested out in front of medical authorities in a hospital setting to see if his radio-wave treatment really worked.

50% of all those 'cured' from cancer by the NHS today in the UK with chemo and radio X-Rays are dead 5 years later from the 'side-effects' (intended effects), and 90% are dead within 10-15 years from 'side-effects', and they die horribly and in great pain and suffering, exactly as really fully intended by TPTB.

Some willingly blind sheeple who do not possess the ability to address the issue properly would persist in saying that at least those people who are 'cured' by chemo and X-Rays get a few more years to live, but the cures that Fishbein and the Rockefellers have suppressed have absolutely zero side-effects and provide a total cure in every instance in the case of the Rife technology for one example, and I mean the original and proven Rife technology, which actually took just 3 sessions of 3 minutes in front of a radio-wave emitter producing specially modulated waves to cure 100% of all patients no matter how bad their prognosis was.

For very many years, heavily infiltrated parasitic hostile foreign power military occupation governments posing mostly as members of the same peoples and races of their host nations keep saying they need their actually enslaved Gentile populations to fight the peoples of some other Gentile nation or other to intensify the mass slaughter of all Gentiles that they have already initiated.

TPTB keep saying that these wars must take place to save lives, to preserve freedom, to preserve national sovereignty or some other such nonsense, when the real enemy of any Gentile people of any such affected nation is literally their own fake government that is already waging a literal military war against the Gentile people of the nation that they now control by constantly destroying them from within by all kinds of fake foods and fake medicines for example.

TPTB use processes like murdering their hapless and largely unsuspecting Gentile populations by convincing them to unknowingly commit suicide or be sterilized by taking COVID jabs (even non-mRNA jabs have a terrible effect on the body, such as generalized ischaemia). TPTB harm their captive populations even by convincing their intended victims to allow those to remain in power who willfully and malevolently deny proven cancer cures for nearly a century now. Chlorine and aluminium and fluoride are quite unnecessarily and inappropriately placed in their drinking and bathing water to give their intended victims cancer, to lower IQ, to lower access to spiritual consciousness, to lower fertility and cause dementia.

These are literal acts of physical war by a group that openly declares their mission is a military one whose purpose is to enslave all Gentiles in the world and ultimately totally exterminate the entire Gentile population of the world so that the Jews themselves can then steal the entire planet, a whole different level of armed robbery.

Numerous cures for cancer have been presented since then, and even more have been promised by goverment medical authorities that have been said to be proven but to be in the final stages of development before their intended release in 1-3 years' time, and without exception, all of these cures over several decades have vanished without trace, only for the same standard story about some new cure or other to be regularly trotted out to keep the condemned feeling that there may yet be some hope of the promised land coming to be in this world, the carrot dangled in front of the donkey on the end of a piece of string.

That denial of actually available cancer treatment has been taking place since 1939 at least, when the AMA head Jewish Morris Fishbein suppressed several cancer cures, and nothing has changed.

The cancer rate was 50% lifetime incidence in the West till COVID jabs were released, several major cancers are now said to be turning into turbo-cancers and affecting mainly the young and often killing within mere weeks of diagnosis. 6 major types of cancer were mentioned in one recent report as an example, and adding their increased rate of occurrence onto the previous 50% now brings the cancer occurrence rate to 86% predictable lifetime incidence of cancer, and as more mRNA jabs are introduced, with the WHO saying every individual in the very near future can expect to be given 500 such jabs in their lifetimes, mass sterility and mass cancer which will be deliberately left incurable will be the undoubtedly intended and anticipated result.

This is a Bolshevik Jewish military attack, it is not 'population reduction'. Jewish 'scriptural law' states that a Jewish doctor cannot heal a Gentile (read MUST not), that they may harm a Gentile by using medicines termed as 'experimental' (this is precisely why the COVID jabs developed by Jewish scientists are termed 'experimental'), this is not merely some kind of law or regulation, it is advice on how to successfully carry out a military attack by using psychologically deceptive and disabling tactics.

the 'cure' for that cancer.

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"Here’s hoping for more of the royal cancer wherever it came from...."


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I'm near-sure that one'a 2 things wuz goin' down....down... down... to the undeground (meanin' the tube--where the Royals darent' not venture)....

1. Train 1-- they told them royal puddin's they wuz gettin' the mock (clot shot) an' gave 'em the real--Queen Mutha first. WHY? wull if the globalists wanna git ridda all nay-shuns an' national-izm, goin' after The Crown is numero uno target--'specially post Brexit... no more twee tea cozies an' wellies an' fondness for them royal collecty-bull spoons, no more Beefeaters (the guards, not the filet mignon munchers), no more hallo hallo here are my corgies--Cabal sez KILL THEM ALL an' let them eat TRAUMA (all the lovers of all things British)--this is an attack on the sheeple/people of the UK (an' Candida)--the Royals are jus' the new expendables.. (Since they own the most real estate in the UK I wonder if the Cabal already took it--if so it makes the transaction of killin' whuts left of them Transylvanians easy peasy--no silver bullets needed!)

2. Train 2 -- they're givin' em all faux cancers ta plug the Moderna MRNA Cancer Jabs which will-u kin be sure--CURE 'EM! like magic--spankin' new clot shots fer cancer, come n' git 'em--so everybuddy clamors for 'em gimme gimme style b/c all the citoyens got the Big C too--they'ze gonna emu-latte the Royals an' git cured too...

One 'er the other methinks...

I ain't gotta lotta sympathy fer anybuddy pushin' the jabs-bad (unless ya kin prove they had a Glock pointed at their dang heads 'er those of their children...) so I ain't offended by the other C word (tee hee)--tho' if it REALLY-not-fakely is the big C (the other one), I kin summon up a small amount of sympathy in the karma-is-a-boomer-rang way.... I mean she's a mother as well as a mutha... so he kids the poor kids (who may be subject ta SRA too...ugh)

The sad thing is these folks are all irrelevant--I'm all fer national pride (Chaucer, fish n' chips, Royal Albert Hall...) but if they'd dissolved the monarchy 'bout a century ago (post Victoria--now she wuz quite a Dame!), it would'a been a dignified demise--now it's a clown show directed by a post-mortem Jimmy "Tops ON the Pops" Saville--Randy Andy, Sister AnnNeigh of the Horse Marines, King Charles Spaniel the wannabee tampon--an' the Meh Gin Merck Gall from Hollyweird is possibly the worst....

After thought--Kate iz kinda scrawny fer eatin' babies, ain't she? (mebbe she just ets 'em with a side salad...?) Still an' all I think we'ze seein' a script--the only question is whose hired an' who's.... expired....

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Did she get the c19 💉

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