ANGLO-American empire. Respectfully recommend exploring the world that Carroll Quigley revealed. Matt Ehret & Cynthia Chung are two good names to follow in exploring this school of thought.

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Here is another reality : the US is slated for the worst oppression the soonest.

People wondering where they should go are right about one thing, if they have the means they should get out of Dodge ASAP!

Before the net, I knew people who had analog photos of Russian military equipment moving by rail through rural Northern Michigan, and a NWO map showing which UN Nations will be in charge of different regions.

India is slated to run Michigan, and these decades later, virtually every convenience store/gas station in Michigan is owned and operated by Indians who are often blatantly hostile to white customers.

Also, there is a persistent rumor I have never officially verified which says Indian nationals are given a seven year exemption from all taxes.

Endless searching on the net turns up zilch, but asking one of the few friendly shopkeepers gave the response that not only is it true, plans were already in place for him to transfer ownership to his cousin at the end of the seven years at which point the no tax clock will reset for another tax free seven years, as it did when the business was, transferred to him.

Surely something must explain the wholesale transfer of such a lucrative niche to a foreign group in such a short time.

As to where to go, I would think logically, our ethnic origin home in Europe.

But using Ireland as an example, to re patriate to Ireland, I would need to show a guaranteed income of $50K for myself and another $50K for each family member, so for a wife and two kids,$200K/yr guaranteed income.

If course, if I was Black and "lost" my passport, all of that would be waived and I would be given a room in a luxury hotel with catered meals...

The Lock down is ready to go.

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Gettin Outta Dodge: I don't understand whence we go?

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To the home of your ethnicity. The problem is there are obstacles and Europe is also in trouble.

But the thing is, they are getting out numbered and so are we.

But if there were a feasible way to do it, we would shift the balance in our respective home countries enough to kick the invaders out.

And I can't vouch for it but the Irish seer Berchan prophesied just exactly that.

And he also prophesied the Battle of the Yellow Ford in which the Irish resoundingly defeated the Brits, and included the booming of the artillery centuries before gunpowder was known in Europe, so who knows.

Sure would be great if it worked!

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They are throwing the money changers out of the temple and the result will be the same as Jesus and Hitler/Gaddafi etc etc etc found when they crossed the evil international bankers, crucifixion/war. It looks like the money changers have blown it this time it must be said. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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I don't think it's in question. Death spiral may be the most accurate description.

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Christ or Black Pill

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