"Notorious anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist" translation, tells the truth

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With Trump a total simp for Big Pharma, him being feckless and all-talk when it comes to the deep state, and now his recent turn about on abortion, I am entertaining the notion of voting for RFK.

RFK has the will and desire to knee cap the deep state, and not just Tweet about it. He despises the Big Pharma cartel, which is as an existential threat to humanity. He's been fighting Big Pharma for years and knows the game and players. Doubt he will bring them into his administration like Trump did (a la Big Pharma pimp Alex Axar and the Devil himself Fauci). He will end the Military Industrial Complex's free reign and blank check, as well as all the political whores who prop them up.

Trump had his chance to do all this but turned out to be mostly rhetoric, drama and gridlock. Mr. Art of the Deal failed to deliver, and is now a perpetual victim.

Time for someone else lead us out of this hellhole.

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How dare you! PresidentTrump was attacked constantly and continually from the day he announced his candidacy. He was backstabbed every day by people in his inner circle along with doublecrossing RINOs, along with no support from Ronna and the entire GOP. I defy anyone to endure what DonaldJTrump has endured. He broke into the controlled government and tried to eliminate the DS... whatever he did not get done, he will when this election isn't stolen from him. I will never turn my back of this corageous man who loves his country.

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He kept on saying he was going to take on the swamp but it was clear he just drowned in it. From day 1.

IF he had treated his term like a one-term president, instead of worrying about consequences for re-election, what he dubious advisors say--includinf his own family--then at least he would have the fortitude to actually be the deep state cleaner he claimed to be.

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Thank God for RFK Jr... when it comes to telling the truth re the jab. I will not be voting for him, as many of his views lean toward socialism. How he is being treated is horrific. Give him much respect for continuing his campaign after the assassination attempt.

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Funny, because you could actually say the same thing about Trump's record (historic spending and money printing, covid stimmy checks, soft on crime a la First Step Act, allowing ballot harvesting a la The Cares Act, pro red flag laws & bump stock ban etc). I could go on and on...

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Why do you say bot when everything he stated is factual. Action speaks louder than words and a lot of Trump's actions betrayed his rhetoric

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Because Trumpers are in a cult and their savior can be a RINO himself and they still support him.

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Depends on what you count as accomplishment.

In Israel, they still celebrate the Abraham Accords and of course finally building the Embassy where it belongs, in Jerusalem, after Dems and Republicans,alihe kept stalling.

Israelis also appreciated Trump cutting off the Blood Money the Fakestinians use to pay off their Murder Bombers' families.

They are very eagerly hoping for Trump's re election, and " their Trump",Netanyahu, feels the same.

They got rid of their Biden, Bennett, and hope we will soon do the same.

I guess it's "nothing" that Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate Change BS, and pulled us out of the WHO, and defied mockery to support Early Treatment for Covid, refused to mandate the vac and left lockdowns to State Governors.

I don't believe you TDS victims have a ghost of a trace of a vestige of a point.

At all.

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I voted twice for the man, so hardly TDS. I just don't hold a savior complex and have some modicum of objectivity. And him not mandating the jab is not some great talking point. He's been pushing, his words - "beautiful" jab to this day, even after we all know it's toxic and kills. Except only after his handlers told him to shut up about it. Unfortunately he still refuses to acknowledge reality and call for the jabs removal, because we all know - ego. And his Churchill style declaration that he saved 100 million people 😂

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I truly appreciate RFK Jr and his truth-telling. I could pull the lever for him. He gives Liberal Democracy a good name once again, but he a lone voice who posseses any integrity now.

Yes, Trump is a hot mess, but he's "our" hot mess. I truly believe Trump will end the proxy war against Russia within weeks of an inauguration which would be a boon for peace and ease my fear of WWIII and nuclear conflict. That is job #1, the most important issue of our time--Period. I just hope he can find a way toward peace with Chyna as well. And I feel certain that he will ONCE AGAIN get the border under control--ONCE AGAIN with help from Mexico and other Lat Am countries who are all being overwhelmed with the human trafficking deaths, rapes and robbery that the Democrats created.

(Trump will never do what is required and arrest and prosecute the vast numbers of criminals in Government. We need a widespread purge of the Left and all the other traitors. Guantanamo would be a good place for military tribunals (and executions?) Ah, one can dream. But I digress.)

I'll never agree with any candidate fully as I'm considered a "paleo-conservative." That's what they call people like Ron Paul and myself, as if we're dinosaurs of some kind. LOL. Funny thing is that the truth is never out of style. Principles don't die, they're just ignored for long stretches.

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I like RFK a lot. a few issues I don't trach but much to like. He is better informed than most of what passes for political leadership these days. everyone should send him a few dollars (or more). I want to destroy the Dem party and RFK can do it. this is sneaky, but I will support him to fracture the Dem vote and get Trump (or whatever GOP candidate) elected. the biden/obama regime is death to this country.

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The Democrats screwed over cuck Bernie Panders and he comes back for more. They thought they could do the same to RFK Jr. This move is the huge nail in the Democratic coffin for 2024.

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I support RFK Jr. I think they can tally the votes any way they want it's just a matter of managing the optics so that it looks like their preferred candidate really did win. Then again they seem to be reaching the stage of "We lied, cheated, stole and killed a lot of people. And what are you going to do about it?" Stage of collapse...

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Excellent news and another well written, concise article. You are correct that the communists will stop at nothing to stay in power. I'm in for Trump but if Bobby gets the necessary 180 EC votes the country still wins. RFKjr is someone open to new information and is a serious, thoughtful person who will get rid of the deep state.

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his willingness to process new information and not be a mindless partisan hack is his best trait in my opinion. it's why i respect him so much

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He certainly hasn't held back on his criticism and opinion on topics that no other has dared to take on. For that alone, he should be considered.

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Russell Brand for VP!

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It is most unfortunate that RFK Jr. is still so left on many other issues. His courage and intelligence could be such a boon to getting rid of the WHO and big pharma’s grip on world government depopulation policies. But make no mistake, he is still way way left on the federal government’s role in the life of it’s citizens. He will pull votes from both candidates.

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Lots of Trump hate here. It's just llike 2016 and 2020 all over again!! Paid commenters with TDS turn any topic into a diatribe on PresidentTrump. I will stand firm with PresidentTrump combatting the evil which is consuming many commenters.. Let's hope PresidentTrump is back in the OvalOffice with the wisdom learned from his previous Presidency. Lastly, we can only pray that our country returns to what it once was. Please do not bother with more Trump hate... I will not respond.

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Great comment. No one is perfect for sure. Based on what Trump is pledging, he HAS learned a lot since his 1st term. I believe that he will be even better the 2nd time. For example, he's talking mass deportations a lá Eisenhower's purges. He'll, I'd settle for a closed border, which occurred during his first term. Many central American countries are eager to end this crime-ridden nightmare. Costa Rica is crying for help for example.

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I concur. However, I was dismayed to see on his X page that he advocates for more Government to solve the Government crisis the Fed created with artificially inflated interest rates. More government is never the answer. End the fed and get out of the way!

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He already showed his blue and white zolours, people should easily smell the settler on him.

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