I always thought the 911 narrative needed a bit more thought to be believable. Why couldn't they have come up with something more along the lines of traitors paid off by Saddam/Osama/fill in the blank. infiltrated key positions in government, security, etc. to detonate and bring down the world trade centers? At least then, the narrative would look like what we all saw on 911.

Telling us all that for the first time in the entire history of this planet, fire brought down not just one skyscraper, but three all on the same day while showing us all footage of demolitions complete with an audible countdown of building 7 only adds insult to injury. However, I do see how it can also lead a lot of people to conclude that there's not much one can do when the powers that be are so brazenly pulling this stuff off with impunity.

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That the powers that be do this stuff out in the open in full view as a kind of power move to show that they can flaunt it and you can't do anything about it is a theory I've increasingly subscribed to

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I agree, Ben. The success of the Covid scamdemic has had them believing they are fire-proof. Sun Tzu said: "Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.". They have seriously underestimated the power of our opposition in NOT COMPLYING. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA440962

They are even fudging the stats with their academic lackeys as noted here - unvaccinated stats in UK: https://expose-news.com/2023/05/10/antivaxxers-global-menace/

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Spot on. The "Methodical Deception" series by Rebekah Roth does a good job of peeling back the layers of illusion. It's a good book for those who are just now starting to figure out that things aren't quite what they seem. On the one hand, it's easy to judge; but on the other, it's probably wise to realize that we've all been duped in more ways than we might imagine. For many people, the plan-demic was the wake up call. But, as you point out, they've been brazenly pulling this stuff off with impunity for longer than any of us will ever know. Once we wrap our heads around THAT fact, the dark and sinister plot behind The Great Reset becomes much more believable.

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"Dark Carlson" love it... when I borrow that one, I'll make sure people know where it came from!

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Saw this picked up on the Daily Bell. Great to see the connections being made. Originally came to the sight based on your descriptioin of Plato and his passion for difficult questions. Seems to me we have a lot of years ahead of us with difficult questions being asked and discussed to cover the last couple thousand years of Khazarian rule and fake science, fake histories, fake religions. Maybe we'll finally figure out what a human is and what the hell we are doing here.

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All I know is that I know nothing!

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Join the club, Ben! The longer I live the less I discover I know in retrospect - I've been fooled and scammed with fake news all my life it turns out!

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The Brits are behind most of it, Specie. They fooled the world into believing their empire collapsed - it didn't - it transmogrified into a global financial system following WW2: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/11/29/did-you-know-that-only-one-square-mile-dominates-the-entire-planetary-civilization/

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I don’t know if Tucker Carlson can be called dark he is more like Luke Skywalker using his light saber of truth to cut through the darkness and deceit we are being fed every day.

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whatever analogy works!

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You think Betted? Be careful, all is not always what it appears to be. I have been fooled by GB News but recently by chance, looked with the right specs - they are controlled opposition. I am writing more about it in the coming months. In the meantime I reserve judgement on Tucker, Musk, et al - they are all rich guys and have their self interest to preserve and could well be 'limited hangout'

I know, and they know, that Western Civ is collapsing gradually and their fake 'wealth' will return from whence it came. This drives fear which drives greed and invokes aberrant behaviours: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w

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There are so many fakes and false flags these days Ben, I have a hell of a time trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. For me these two short videos put the cap on the WTC 7 demolition at least - this one first:


This one is an amateur capture at the time and has been verified as not faked:


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frankly im amazed any 9/11 truth videos are even allowed on YouTube. must've slipped through the cracks

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I have found some that do go unnoticed, Ben, after all, there are millions daily so even a Bot will not be 100% IMHO - censorship is an art rather than a science - like economics! And of course it's old news anyway so silence offers plausible deniability - only dedicated investigators are interested; the rest of the world has moved on, distracted by new performances at the theatre.

I have been monitoring GB News for a year now and I can confirm they are controlled opposition. I can even pick some of the spook actors which I will be exposing in the coming months. I can see clearly the hole they are digging now I know what to look for. It's like tracking which I learned in South Africa direct from the experts.

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FREE ebook "9/11 UNVEILED" — 170,000+ downloads

* NIXON's foreign policy advisor: "best short summary"



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Well found Enver, thank you - it will add to my pile of Intel, but of course it will change nothing - the world has moved on. Buy it's a fun project which consumes my time on inconsequential activities, which is what they want. Keeping me busy and wasting my time limits my focus on the real things. It's the very ancient strategy of distraction which I think Sun Tzu talked about but I don't have time to research.

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9/11 was the excuse to attack Israel enemys in Middle East, that's it!! Obviously, Israel was an important part of the 9/11 demolition attack!!

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