... painfully apparent, the jig is pretty much up. Everyone knows, the white house has been subverted, by the Clintons, the Bushes and the Obamas. Near as anyone can tell, it's been Hillary Clinton behind the scenes, fumbling the Biden administration's foreign policy; it's Barack Obama the Biden Administration's tapped, directing domestic policy, fueling the race war. The both of them, apoplectic, angry to the extent of their indignation, vindictive, with an axe to grind against the American public, between the two of them they've jointly evolved the Biden administration, to be the single most destructive political force, in American history, since the Civil War - asj.

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The White House was never subverted. It was a honeypot from the start. That being said, look at Franklin Roosevelt. If a Soviet Agent had been president from 1932 until 1944, he could not have done a better job at subverting America, introducing socialism and government overreach.

This started long before the Shrubbery came to town.

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"The Shrubbery." nice

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They've discovered that exposure of their malfeasance has no consequence, so they're fine with it. They're emboldened, and now things will progress more rapidly. Remember this: if you aren't being prodded into a boxcar at rifle-point, you ain't seen nothin' yet. And if you're waiting for some gubmint agency to suddenly realize all this is totalitarianism and swoop in to save you, I have some bad news for you.: the only agency with that power now is the one you see in the mirror.

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” ― H.L. Mencken

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I adore H.L. Mencken and trot that workhorse quote out whenever I get a chance.

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He was a veritable fountain of excellent quotes.

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Excellent Read. And, yes, the USA became a police state years ago. Even before 9-1-1, with the so-called "War On Drugs" sheriff's departments were doing all-out searches of motorists on highways following traffic stops. I used to pass by them during road trips.

All throughout the '80's, the cops more intrusive and more aggressive. They were not fighting crime anymore, they were fighting Conservative America.

The Anti-Constitutional establishment was forming for years and years, and, like a frightened snake, slowly slithered into the open. The problem was they met no determined resistance at the onset. And now, as you say- all the ships have sailed.

All abourd the Auschwitz Express...

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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I was a CPT in the Army National Guard on 9/11. I felt, at the time, that those attacks validated all the time, sweat, tears, energy I had 'invested' in the military. Truth was I came to the Army a broken young man who was failing to start the adult journey. The Army gave me a quick way out of town.

As much as I was on the 'let's go invade the Middle East' train, I was very, very suspicious of the Patriot Act.

Sadly, most people just don't care. They don't care about the crimes the Regime committed during the lockdowns. They actually enjoy the harrassasment of 'them', those loons, those insane Trumpsters.

In live in Washington State. Our governor, a rather tall turd, called his opponent a "Trumpster" during the debate. He, of course, was reelected with nearly 60% of the vote here in the Peoples' Republic.

I was giving a talk at a conference of Mountaineers about 7 years ago. Big lefty hang out. Rich white people with $500 in REI clothes were the audience. I was talking about how our communication has deteriorated in the last year or two. "What was it that Hillary called Trump supporters?" I asked the group.

One especially ugly, lesbian in the front said, "Nazis!"

I was like, "Uh, well, no that is not what she said, but I can see how you feel...No, it was something else, something dismissive..."

"Deplorables" someone shouts.

"Yes, yes, deplorables. That's it. Thanks." I answered.

Everyone was totally nodding their heads.

I had just trained a police department, and heard one of them say, "Libtard." Had never heard that term, but laughed out loud.

"Do you know what these Deplorables call Hillary supporters?" I asked.


LIBTARDS! I laughed.


They could not take it at all. They cannot be questioned. They cannot be confronted. They are never wrong. You should probably die for even considering they might have over stepped.

We will not get justice because 1/2 of the country will be reminded of their Nazi attitudes and behaviors since Trump broke all their brains. No vaccine? Die in the street.


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that's a hell of a story

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