While Dr. McCollough has been relentlessly attacked since his position on Covid. Where was he in 2015 when California passed SB277 removing religious exemptions from vaccines? I had to flee the state with my child given this law. The science was there at the time. Heroes were actively being targeted like Alan Phillips, Guns and Butter (which I was a co-producer), Gary Null, Andrew Wakefield, Suzanne Humphries, and many more. Now that it is safe to be hero - the information was there for those who chose to look - we should recognize those who paved the way when it wasn't safe to question or criticize vaccines.

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cheap shot at Dr. McCollough. and you are a saint for all your foresight.

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Amish children don't get vaxxed. How are they doing?

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Oh my. That is a real person? The uptalking, vocal frying, tik toking, valley guttural speaking is real? It is real and a self-contained parody at the same time.

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With a heavy heart, I've witnessed first hand, my twin granddaughters plight;

They're mother a

NHS nurse, patook

all of the covid 19 injections plus the boosters shots whilst pregnant with the twin girls - who had a very difficult birth

with mum's preaclampsis not being detected at the time of the birthing

one of the twin girls

was seriously in danger of death,

at this time and it was touch and go,

for a month after, with the little might clinging on to life and

with multiple things wrong with her, her

discharge to go home

stable and thriving well was at least five or sis weeks


The other twin girl,

the second born was in a stable condition much quicker and within a 10 day period could be discharged has was responding well and thriving.


However has time moved on and around the twins being three month old or there about -'unfortunately,

they're mum had

the both twin little girls, where give there first vaccines and became unwell,not feeding and loudly crying as if in pain,

for days and day after.... 😥❤️‍🩹

They were never the same again both withdrawing form,

any constructive sitmulus, and thats the way it's been since they are now four years old and still very beautiful granddaughters

to me.

The out come is that age 3 The both twins where diagnosed

with *Autism*

and other big words that I can't pronounce

and also are both none verbal at age 4

but are happy and enjoying they're world.


No amount of pleading in the early days, with the mother of the twin girls

who were lucky to survive they're birth

and the defects that

had obviously been

apparent *then*

could put they're

mum and working NHS Nurse, off the C19/ childhood vaccination regime.

A heartbroken

Grandma ❤️‍🩹

I just had to tell this

it is the truth that

I witnessed.

I knowva awful lot of other people are going through the same ❤️‍🩹 and will be for a lifetime. ✊❤️‍🔥🙏

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thank you for your thorough article!

I would also like to bring people's attention to the COVID "vaccine" and its no-longer deniable effects on the healthy heart... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/cardiac-killer-unexplained-spike

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And the messed up thing about this charade is that we KEEP shooting this crap into our children. How messed up is that?

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Quick glance: the study population is not remotely representative for the general population - see 39% African American compared to 14.5% in Florida overall. Some guesswork here, but I expect a lot of risk factors for NDDs are more common than in the general population. Think poverty, drug use, family history etc. It also means that the people who did not get vaccinations are likely not the highly educated parents with safety concerns; they’re parents in complex situations who avoid care in general. The fact their kids aren’t diagnosed with NDDs doesn’t mean they are neurotypical - it just means they weren’t diagnosed. Because their parents didn’t bring them in for diagnosis.

The editorial board of the jounral is made from anti vax personnalities.

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exhorted? (extolled doesn't fit)

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Yeah I meant "exhorted." Thanks for correction

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