Cmon Ben, you gonna run this story as a wall of text with no pics? Not even a Trigglypuff throwback?

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here is a simple thought experiment that will prove all fat body positivists are full of shit...

IF they had a magic wand which would transform their body into ANY weight they wished, with no diet, exercise, etc, what would they do ?

well, they'd wave that bitch to be normal weight or less...

anyone says otherwise is lying...

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This comment will serve as my notice that I would much rather be commenting on Ben's Egg article that just came out. Sadly, I'm not a paid member! The poor treatment throughout history of the chicken egg by humans. We owe chickens our most sincere apology.

I have 8 raw chicken eggs, per day, for about 15 years now. Never once been sick. Its the poop on the outside of the shell that could lead to troubles. Nothing to do with the egg itself, and 1 in 20,000 containing salmonella. Hogwash!

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If people are at their healthiest, they will also be at their most beautiful. Whether that is beautiful enough is another question, but it would be a pretty sad world where no one could perceive the beauty in someone well-disciplined enough to be at their physical best. Whatever beauty they have is likelier to endure much longer than the initially greater beauty of the undisciplined. In any case, I want my friends to be alive for a long time, and would be concerned about morbid obesity for that reason alone.

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As the rush to take the new slimming pills has shown they are as "positive" about their bodies as the rest of us are about their bodies.

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Oh please. They will all be on ozempic by next week. Everyone seems to be falling for its allure.

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Funeeeee first thing in the morning! What a great way to start the day!

I'll be carrying the image of the mayo smeared fatty on a fork lift all day long!

Thanks Ben for the smile!

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