The same bought and paid for congressmen were telling us that cigarettes were the best thing since sliced bread fifty years ago.

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The person who has suffered the most, who lost all credibility, who lost his medical license and was the first doctor to publish research about the causal relationship of the MMR vaccine and autism was Dr. Andrew Wakefield. His 1998 paper published in the Lancet was retracted, but you can still read it.


Here are a few substacks on Dr. Wakefield, and his film which came out June of this year:




And an article on the health effects on vaccinated versus unvaccinated children:


These congressmen, news reporters, and big pharma slaves, are full of corporate pride which mirrors their unfortunate arrogance and choice to refuse studying the true facts. They should be totally ashamed of what they are doing to Bobby Kennedy and inturn the health of the nation.

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Per your usual, GREAT REPORTING, Ben.

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Fun fact: Senator Ed Markey went right from BC into being a congressional staffer. His last and only private sector -- meaning real -- job was working on an ice cream truck in 1975. Howie Carr calls him "Mr. Frosty."

So yeah, he's an expert in medical ethics.

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Excellent summary – thank you.

How ironic that on the run-up to Christmas, and remembering what the Day celebrates, we are reminded just how much mega-money despises, and is willing to sacrifice, children.

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With all due respect and kindness, just because the English names for the holiday has ‘Christ’ in it, it doesn’t mean that that’s what we all celebrate. Like most (all?) Christian holidays religious Christmas is simply superimposed (in order to eradicate)on pre-existing non-Christian (what Christians like to call pagan) holidays. Roman’s celebrated Saturnalia (with gifts) and Nordic people (think Viking era) had a midwinter celebration at this exact time of year called Midvinterblot. Gift-giving stems from young men visiting families with pranks, demanding bribes not to, and this evolved into receiving gifts. Even in my childhood Santa was called the Christmas goat (julgubben) and as you can see there is no Christ, god or anything like it anywhere. I wish Christians demonstrated the same respect they ask (and deserve) from non-religious individuals. Let’s all remember it’s a big world and there are lots of ways, and things, to believe and lots of easy to celebrate. If anything, it’s the oldest traditions that are “the true meaning of Christmas” .

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What an interesting comment!

FWIW, I'm a Brit but not a Christian. To be frank, I try to celebrate every event that I can! If a belief helps someone get from A to B and no one gets hurt, I'll celebrate.

So, in that spirit, I'll wish you an Anglo-Saxon Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Thank you! To you as well!

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Thank you! xxx

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