The Pfizer "clinical trials" fraud uncovered during the Covid scamdemic showed us that these companies have been defrauding the public for years with fake trials of deadly drugs and the regulators have been doing nothing to stop them.
Yes because 40 years ago Reagan gave them immunity from prosecution and that slipped into scientific fraud the minute they found they were never being audited for improvements in vaccine safety by the regulator as Reagan also said must be done every year.
Clinical trials?
The Pfizer "clinical trials" fraud uncovered during the Covid scamdemic showed us that these companies have been defrauding the public for years with fake trials of deadly drugs and the regulators have been doing nothing to stop them.
I'd say its been going on for at least 40 years.
Yes because 40 years ago Reagan gave them immunity from prosecution and that slipped into scientific fraud the minute they found they were never being audited for improvements in vaccine safety by the regulator as Reagan also said must be done every year.
A collection of the entities I least trust. And. They all want to help me!
Like being propositioned by a vampire squid.
Pfizer + FDA + Davosian Global Overlords + Google = Depopulation. No thanks, I'm good.
Liked! xxx
LMAO...what a fricking promise as if I would ever trust the goog or any drugs it invents. Or any A/i retard for that matter.