I loved vaping. I wisely quit smoking cigarettes years ago but vaping was a fantastic compromise. I continue, even as a current non-smoker, to find the relentless claims of their risks incredibly suspect based on my knowledge of the ingredients. Nicotine is not, by itself, any more dangerous than alcohol or caffeine (both of which are also addictive).

If you're a scold who thinks people should be protected from their own desires, you're going to hate seeing the Chinese antifreeze-laden vape juice that is going to flood the black market after Brandon takes away vaping.

I'm so sick of this piece of shit.

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I quit smoking cigarettes in my early 30s because being publicly dependent on a drug was not a good look at that stage of my career. My hubby not only continued to smoke into his 60s, he smoked KOOLs. At on point he was even rolling his own menthols. He looked good smoking, in a Harry Dean Stanton sort of way.

He finally decided to quit because of health reasons and was able to use vaping as a smoking replacement. He got off all respiratory recreation when he suffered and survived a Triple A, an abdominal aortic rupture that affects cigarette smokers almost exclusively. He was on life support for over a week and was able to detox off everything fun while he was in a medically induced coma. He bought the ticket and took the ride, to quote HST.

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The Brandon is certainly a menace. What comes next, though, might be even worse.

I don't think I could stomach a Mayor Pete term. Hopefully he'll get pregnant again and take a long maternity hiatus or something.

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Maybe this is just my human narrative-driven brain at work, but I think "what comes next" is either going to be total reversal or total collapse, and I gotta be honest, either one will feel better than this.

This is like being locked in prison awaiting trial in some third-world shithole where the hot cell has no climate control and smells terrible and hours and hours and days slip by without sleep where you're not dying, but so uncomfortable you wish you were. By the time they drag you to the courthouse, the verdict almost doesn't matter; you're just excited to take a step forward.

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I had a PTSD flashback while reading your comment to riding through Thailand on a packed train with wooden chairs and no fans for like 18 hours, feeling like a Holocaust detainee.

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I was making a similar argument in the comments after only-right-about-mRNA-injections Alex Berenson sent another of his posts about "drugs are bad, make them illegal".

I really don't know why it is so hard to understand (especially for women in my experience): No one is saying that drugs/cigarettes/alcohol/sugar/whatever you want to ban is good. The point is simply: Who the hell are you to decide what other people do with their lives and send people with guns threatening to even kill them if they don't do as you like?

By the way, I f*cking *ABSOLUTELY HATE* cigarettes.

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If freedom means anything, it means the rights of adults to poison themselves having full access to knowledge of the risks.

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As long as the adult pays his own way, I'm cool with most anything. In my world, you can cut off your tits and ask me to call you Hank, but you can't force me pay for the surgery or compel me to speak to you at all. I don't care what anyone else does until they try to make me responsible for their choices.

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exactly. And, of course, bear the full consequences of their choices. Otherwise you get to the leftist hell of taxing other people to buy needles for junkies, pay for their healthcare, food, etc.

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