The only problem I have with the US constitution is that it has never been enforced, certainly not since the time of Lincoln when he ripped it to shreds to attack the South that was protesting about tax rises. He closed down newspapers that dared to disagree with his illegal war and jailed journalists en-masse for the same crime of wrong think.

WE have a SCOTUS that refuses point blank to jump in and short circuit any nonsense going on in the lower courts that is clearly anti-constitutional thereby enabling "the process is the punishment" brigades in the FBI/CIA etc etc etc to destroy people's freedoms and their finances all while the SCOTUS sit on their hands raking in fat salaries for doing precisely nothing. We have a SCOTUS that legalises child murder that no serious state should ever contemplate.

We have every member of the US armed forces that swear to uphold the constitution but are members of a standing armed forces that the constitution they swore to uphold completely bans except in absolute extremis and only then for a short period of time.

We have members of congress that swear to uphold the constitution and then raise the rafters in ovation after ovation when a Johnny foreigner tells them that freedom of speech in the US needs to be curtailed because he and his genocidal regime that are wholly beholden to US weapons of war for their rabid existence don't like it.

We have a country full of so-called Christians that swear allegiance to a pathetic flag when Christ told them never to swear an oath of any sort and to let their yes mean yes and their no mean no because anything else was enabling evil and we all surely see the evil the US has become where it destroys the village to save it.

The US constitution is not outdated, it has not failed America ......... but Americans from the first to the last have most assuredly failed the constitution.

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I didn't know that about Lincoln. Your contention is that the Civil War was an illegal war so anything Lincoln did in prosecution of the war was illegal? https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-arrest-and-imprisonment-irresponsible-newspaper-reporters-and-editors

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Thanks for posting this. I'll be following your posts closely in future. A quick skim of this guy's Wikipedia page shows he ticks every single box to qualify for being a bona fide enemy of the American people. His loyalties lie elsewhere. His mission is to undermine the country that made his success possible. The United States is infested with many of his kind.

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They discuss "the threat of secession". Really? Why is that a threat? If one part of the country does not agree to support the same theory of government as another part, doesn't it make sense for it to secede? Isn't secession a lot better than fighting each other, killing each other? People who see secession as an automatic threat must think that instead of breaking up with your girlfriend, maybe you should beat her into submission. Only tyrants and megalomaniacs see "bigger" as always better.

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The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution is why this will not occur easily. The hoi-polloi got teeth.

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"Confidence in our institutions is at an alltime low." So let's give our institutions more power to fix the "problem."

You know, I'm also unhappy with my puppy for shitting on the rug. Therefore I'll let him drive my car and do my taxes

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Dean Erwin looks outdated to me. There's always some leftist who thinks they're smarter than anyone else.

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The Constitution has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist. – Lysander Spooner

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During the Progressive Era in the early 1900s, the intellectual predecessors of the Berkeley Law School Dean were arguing that the Constitution was unequal to the complexities of an industrial economy, and therefore outdated. President Wilson, himself an academic, was foremost among them. But complexity argues for greater freedom, not less. Similar to ecological systems, the interactions of a free market are too complex to be commanded (at least by anyone short of God.) Free markets are instead an example of a spontaneous, self-organizing complex system, and individual rights grounded in the Natural Law are their rich soil and pure water and clean air,

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To be clear and concise, I sum this up as a case of every. Single. Time.

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... dust off your grand pappy's BAR! Time to make provision; start restocking your .30-06; start packing those freezers of yours. Ph.Ds at Berkley would like to overthrow the United States of America! - Samuel.

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... wouldn't that be, treason.? On account they're Berkley Ph.Ds? It isn't? - Samuel

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Or here's a suggestion: Keep the Constitution and trash the government. Perhaps it's the capitalist economy, which as Pelosi stated, is what the government represents rather than the people that has become outdated when it does the bidding of the 1% rather than the 99%. Hardly a democracy.

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Having a little Constitutional Crisis, are we?

Well, at the risk of sounding perhaps a tad bit too harsh, I must admit that it is TRULY a PLEASURE to watch your shit stain of a country collapsing as it is under the sheer weight of its own unbridled criminality, rampant degeneracy and all-encompassing collective mental illness.

Every single evil your country had previously unleashed over the decades against other nations & societies of this planet have finally all come home to roost: now your economy is in tatters, inflation is running amok, your dollar is being abandoned as the international reserve currency of choice, all your so-called 'institutions of higher learning' are nothing more than Marxist indoctrination centers, your police are completely unaccountable to anyone no matter how egregious their abuses may be, you have no rule of law whatsoever, your judiciary is just another 3rd World institution used mainly to persecute political opponents, you currently have political prisoners rotting away in dungeons whose only crime was to speak out against government abuse, your so-called "healthcare" is nothing but a grift that sees patients as being no better than lab mice, you suffer from massive institutionalized electoral fraud, your so-called "leaders" are mostly semi-functional illiterates, your food sources are openly being poisoned and/or destroyed, your military has been undermined from within, your men are effeminate, your woman have been masculinized, your children are being both radicalized and sexualized by their demented so-called "teachers" while the parents are arrested for trying to impede it, your society is teetering on the brink of civil war, racial strife has never been higher, the soft-power you once previously wielded via movies, music, literature and even pop culture are all forever gone ...mainly because normal people don't care to see black vikings or read about some stupid American kid's two 'dads' or care to sing along to ebonics-plagued (c)rap tunes that glorify beating women or shooting people. And finally, if you don't mind me aspersing your craphole of a society even further, you are now internationally viewed by the vast majority of people on this planet as being a nation of evil, mentally ill, gender-confused, TORTURERS and WAR CRIMINALS. Enjoy!

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The statist/collectivist have been trying to get rid of the U.S. Constitution since before the ink was dry on the founding documents. With no exceptions their true motive is to snuff out the individual. The United States is still mankind's ONLY hope. If they ever succeed in the overthrow of the United States sacrosanct individual rights will be replaced with the barrel of a gun.

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To borrow the current term of disparagement from the DNC---he's WEIRD.

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