Yes, fully agree it is to do with the peace and securty over the years that NZers and Australians have/had experienced....we were like rabbits caught in the headlights or lambs to the slaughter in truth for most of us. We were just too naive and oblivious in our isolated and sheltered little part of the world to be able to understand the magnitude of what was happening around us and to us.....for me, the painful truth began with the so-called "Christchurch Massacre" (the videos exposing this are still officially illegal to view in nZ. An imprisonable offence) followed by the alarming rise in popularity of the WEF puppet, Jabcinda Ardern...now abundantly rewarded for her role in ruining the country financially and turning citizen against citizen in true communist style with her draconian covid mandates. Learning and grudging acceptance of the truth has been brutal for folk like me but many are awake and aware now of the ongoing incessant battering we still face with a number of issues including 'misinformation' and 'disinformation.' And why wouldn't it be ongoing and incessant as after all we were, in the main, in our smugness and complacency willingly led to the slaughter of truth and transparency and common human decency.......including freedom of speech.

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H.M. Prison Australia....

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It has come full circle - back to its origins.

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We think alike and understand the world in a very similar way. We both are sarcastic about a lot of the euphemisms.

I read an article length substack about the preparations Austrailia has made for the next "pandemic" and it's scary. Stuff they have already in place for next round.

They finally found a more specific way to scare the populations into compliance even when they feel in their bones things aren't right. Health matters. They will use "health safety." Or whatever they want to call it.

They ventured onto an effective way to implement so much stuff.

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It all sounds bad and is bad but where else would I want to live? I have lived and worked all around the globe , I am seventy plus now and this is still the best country in the world to live in in my view. Of course I could move to less authoritarian countries like China , Iran , North Korea or Russia.

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The government relies on your logic. By the time the country starts really sucking in a way that is unavoidable it wouldn't let you move anywhere else.

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Interesting observation!

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No, it's targeting the truth of which all governments hate to the max. You would never catch any government telling the truth unless it was to destroy the citizens.

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... historically, misinformation and disinformation is never (NEVER) censored. It's exploited; minutely articulated. Tenured scholars make their living, exploiting and articulating misinformation and disinformation, advancing knowledge (e.g., theory; paradigm; hypothesis; logic; history). Government, subverted by small, well organized special interest groups, don't want them to be able to do that, anymore. They want to go back, to the dark ages. Greatest advancement in human history, typesetting shattered the Catholic church monopoly, on knowledge. Latter 19th century, rise of scholarly peer review publications heralded the rise of technology transfer. It was once our peer review pubs, ie., scholarly journals, encharged the task of articulating disinformation, misinformation, defective logic, advancing and course correcting knowledge. Circa the 21st century, scholarly peer review subverted, corrupted by the corporations, big pharma, and western government, it's now short-sighted intellectual frauds (zealots; politicians; corporations; special interest groups) once again capitalizing, standing in the way of progress, endeavoring headlong to re-monopolize typesetting (e.g., media; information superhighway), plunging society back into the dark ages, erasing history and rewriting it for selfish, self-serving reasons. Put government in position, picking and choosing winners? Who we historically wind up with at our seat of government is, clown shows of nitwits and half-baked intellectuals lining their pockets (Nanzi Pelozi, Chuck Schummer; Carlos Danger; Kamala; Maxine Waters; Mitch McConnell; Susan and Condoleezza; the Clintons; Bush-Quayle; Dick & Liz; Donald Rumsfeld; the Obamas and the Bidens), who couldn't cut it in high school math. Historically, the only thing ever systematically censored, truth -- Samuel.

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... question of the day: ... why do people lie? - Samuel.

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