Just add chemtrails- they are real, not a conspiracy. Sperm count has dropped over 50% since 1953.

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Don't forget pharma and fluoride.

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And 5G.

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Desperate, dependent or dead... The new 3ds... Now, eat your bug protein and draw your CBDC, serf...

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“… If anyone has a better theory aside from chemicals in the food and water supply (and pharmaceuticals)…”

I think that pretty much sums it up .

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I don't have a better one, just a more complete one, including chemtrails, pharmaceuticals and fluoride

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I would include vax, which would I suppose come under "p-harma".

The brain and psy abilities most of us are born with is immediately attacked from day one by the vax and fluoride. THEY know how much power we really have...... (PS - THEY = TH.ose E.nslaving Y.ou)

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What a great headline.

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sometimes I outdo myself

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'tip of the iceberg',

There may be many threads of this sort of thing,

in things we never regarded as threats.

I wonder about all those chemicals that go into cosmetics.

The cosmetic and fashion industries are pure make-believe academies for gullible females.

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Hey, this is definitely part of the agenda to render the population sterile. The puppeteers cannot stop themselves even if it damages their children too.

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Dessication is the process of spraying Roundup onto oats, wheat, barley etc to halt growth and dry the crops quickly for harvest. “It’s ok! The crops are genetically modified to accommodate Death By Roundup!” Humans, not so much. All those “healthy, ancient grains & oats’n’honey” bars on sale? If the contents are American grown, even if labeled GMO free or “organic”, don’t touch them. And check the small print on all food labels for the words “bioengineered food” - the new phrase for GMO and worse. This comment is not approved by the FDA. Link here for reference: https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2019/02/glyphosate-contamination-food-goes-far-beyond-oat-products

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Correlation is not causation unless you are using randomized controlled studies. Laboratory studies on animals are usually randomized and controlled and therefore can be used to isolate the cause of an observed effect.

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Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection - ICIC


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Anyway, even without this chemical, Cheerios never have been heart healthy.

Steel Cut Oats are heart healthy. Rolled Oats are less heart healthy

Quick Oats are even less heart healthy.

Cheerios and Microwave Packets are not heart healthy at all and spike your Glycemic Index..

At present, Oats remain relatively cheap. You can buy Organic Steel Cut Oats at a health food store without paying an absurd oremuiun over Quaker Oats and what extra you do pay is affordable and worth it.

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See my comment above on dessication. Oats harvested in the USA are generally sprayed with Roundup to speed the industrial scale harvest. After that, they can be cut or rolled any way you like: just as poisonous.

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Poison or no poison, tte breakdown regarding the Glycemic Index remains the same.

Glycophosphate is a problem for most non organic plant foods and animals fed on them.

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I stopped eating cheerios decades ago when they started leaving a taste in my mouth that would not go away. That is a side effect of chemicals in food - the everlasting gross taste in your mouth.

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