
That bald asshole Mayorkas has a face that is eminently punchable.

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I think that this whole scenario may be about to unwind & crash.

This because of the basic structure of America's Federal Republic as created in the US constitution

This situation will unwind because it all depends upon a strong Central Government & it's satellite agencies. The Constitution makes no provision for a powerful Central government. The Limited mandate Federal Government was warped into a giant,all powerful, Central Government & this is Unconstitutional

The Republican States will bring down Washington soon. The Democrats in Washington are hollow & completely dependent on the states States which they can't control, they are lost if they show whatever cards they have & the States call their bluff

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But the U.S. and the entire world is a slave colony controlled by an International Criminal Banking Syndicate...the Money Powers. There is no democracy, just a fake democracy with rigged voting. The is no republic because the Constitution has been gutted. There is no free press or media but only 24/7 propaganda and mind control. Just about everything we are told by the demonic powers who rule over us is fake. Even the weather is manipulated along with medicine.

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Of course, a State filled with people who can't be questioned will get this way.

Every category he described as domestic terrorists are the good guys.

It's uncanny.

Well, maybe not the racists.

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