This crap is pretty awful, but I think deliberate obfuscation is worse.
Like, have you ever noticed how Norwegians like to cheer on Lefty's and tell everyone how great Socialism works?
What they never mention is a huge oil deposit found in the North Sea powers it all.
There is a special oil fund set up, much like in Kuwait, and every citizen has a share in it, currently about a quarter million Krona, which is worth more than $USA 250K, by a fair bit.
Socialism still sux, it's being a Viking Oil Sheikh that works out okay...
The only people who have ever held up Socialism as a Good Thing are people who haven't lived anywhere near it, and people who have some sort of artificial support. Europeans have been bragging about their "successful social democracies" for decades - without ever noting that the U.S. has paid almost all their defense bills since the end of WWII. It's easy to play Mr. Socialist when someone else is paying the bills.
Carlin's comedic talent evolved significantly over time. He didn't start out with these messages that some of us needed to hear. During the last few decades of his life, his material left me speechless. I would start to laugh, and then I'd catch myself wondering how in the hell is he able to say this without being blackballed? Then I remembered that passage in the gospels where Jesus says that he speaks in parables because not everyone is supposed to hear his message. Carlin did the same thing by speaking within the context of a comedy routine. Most people just laughed it off.
I'm just geting over a wicked upper respiratory cold which ended up robbing me of a good 15 lbs. of much needed fat. I'm now under 160 lbs. and for someone over 6' 1" that's a problem expecially for someone who is actively eating healthy. Eating healthy requires the consumption of MASSIVE amounts of food because I don't eat ANY of the processed crap that most people routinely shovel into their food holes without a thought. I'm eating raw vegetables which requires a LOT of energy just to digest. I end up burning more calories than I'm able to convert and store as fat.
and yeah, i found carlin's super old stuff like the hippy dippy weather man before he went off the reservation. it's very strange to consider what he became from there
I've been tinkering with my diet for over two decades, and have become acutely aware of a hierarchy of addiction within the different food groups. About all I can do right now is add some olive oil to my salad and maybe some grains, but I'm noticing that grains are moving up on my hierarchy of addictive substances.
This crap is pretty awful, but I think deliberate obfuscation is worse.
Like, have you ever noticed how Norwegians like to cheer on Lefty's and tell everyone how great Socialism works?
What they never mention is a huge oil deposit found in the North Sea powers it all.
There is a special oil fund set up, much like in Kuwait, and every citizen has a share in it, currently about a quarter million Krona, which is worth more than $USA 250K, by a fair bit.
Socialism still sux, it's being a Viking Oil Sheikh that works out okay...
The only people who have ever held up Socialism as a Good Thing are people who haven't lived anywhere near it, and people who have some sort of artificial support. Europeans have been bragging about their "successful social democracies" for decades - without ever noting that the U.S. has paid almost all their defense bills since the end of WWII. It's easy to play Mr. Socialist when someone else is paying the bills.
Carlin's comedic talent evolved significantly over time. He didn't start out with these messages that some of us needed to hear. During the last few decades of his life, his material left me speechless. I would start to laugh, and then I'd catch myself wondering how in the hell is he able to say this without being blackballed? Then I remembered that passage in the gospels where Jesus says that he speaks in parables because not everyone is supposed to hear his message. Carlin did the same thing by speaking within the context of a comedy routine. Most people just laughed it off.
I'm just geting over a wicked upper respiratory cold which ended up robbing me of a good 15 lbs. of much needed fat. I'm now under 160 lbs. and for someone over 6' 1" that's a problem expecially for someone who is actively eating healthy. Eating healthy requires the consumption of MASSIVE amounts of food because I don't eat ANY of the processed crap that most people routinely shovel into their food holes without a thought. I'm eating raw vegetables which requires a LOT of energy just to digest. I end up burning more calories than I'm able to convert and store as fat.
maybe add some calorically dense healthy fats in as well?
and yeah, i found carlin's super old stuff like the hippy dippy weather man before he went off the reservation. it's very strange to consider what he became from there
I've been tinkering with my diet for over two decades, and have become acutely aware of a hierarchy of addiction within the different food groups. About all I can do right now is add some olive oil to my salad and maybe some grains, but I'm noticing that grains are moving up on my hierarchy of addictive substances.