Thank you for the article, it's really well described....I can almost feel myself in a scene from Isaac Asimov's The Foundation. I'm curious and...well concerned about the reference to Covid in your article. Something about 'algorithms to scan for Covid, irrespective of actual symptoms.' Like WTF ...didn't we just get through that load of lies? That my friend, is where my colon meets the road.

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"(not that selling it really matters much; most of the lobotomized NPCs will comply with whatever reflexively)."

Now that you know the drill, will you put yourself through it again?

In my luxury, I can resolve never to go to Dubai, or to do whatever I can to avoid having to transit Dubai, or anywhere else that has adopted similar QR coded and face-scanning biometric balderdash-actuated procedures, even if that means aborting all plans to travel altogether. But that's just me. Imagine if, say, 40% or even 20% of travelers worldwide did the same, and made it know that the reason for refusing to travel and hence for depriving their coffers was precisely for this reason, that we simply will not under any circumstances be forced to participate in this insanity.

I'm not going to win any friends for saying this, and I'm calling down on me all manner of indignation, but if your job requires you to engage in international air travel, your job's almost certainly not necessary, and you might still be able to find another one that is. Diplomats, dignitaries, politicians, lobbyists, etc., that kind of bullshit, all "need" international air travel, and we all know how necessary and important those jobs really are.

It is hypocrisy that people think they deserve to be spared from technocracy, but they believe they should still be allowed to live in full "normality." They can't. It has been our willing, dynamic, wholehearted participation in normality that has paved the way for technocracy. All our "reflexive" acceptance of inessential, unwarranted technology (mobile telephony leading to smart phones, smart watches, smart television, virtual and augmented reality, QR code access denial ), all our compliance with whatever they've prepared and released onto us, all our fanaticism for updating and leveling-up our ideals, our values, our adherence to modern conventions have all conditioned us and eroded our capacity for preventing, let alone refusing and opting-out of technocracy.

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This is just horrifying to me. You have traveled into the future while being here now. The transhuman part has been skipped and you went straight to machine world. And they think these are undeveloped countries. I find myself saying more and more frequently, “I’m glad I am old”.

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What a cold & violating procedure where obedience is demanded, & non-compliance is swiftly dealt with.

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Great way to spoil a holiday.

When you get denied for a tweet you made 18 months ago.

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Who needs prisons 😄

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Good one, Ben. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Linked another good one yesterday from Todd Hayen, PhD, RP callrd "Robot Love" which was quite good as well - https://www.shrewviews.com/p/robot-love

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If the Bangkok airports have gone cashless

then it will be added to my growing "do not visit" list.

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I rudely forgot to give due praise for the great report! Apologies, you have keen powers of observation, and you're an enormously capable and effective writer. You've skillfully conveyed the cold reduced carbon dioxide emission and electrochromic glass frigid dread and prosthetic implanted visceral technocratic terror.

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