Credit where it’s due: Dookie was a great album (their music was more compelling when their lyrical content was only about being bored and jacking off).
An embarrassing reminder of the days when I, too, fell for the anti-Trump propaganda. Not that I’m in love with the buffoon now, but let’s just say that the last strings tethering me to the American left and its media outlets were completely severed by the Covid nonsense making the it’s nature obvious and clear to me.
These types of stunts are just free marketing for Trump, and I’m quite sure he knows it.
Another aging, neutered rocker hits the dust. Bye, bye. Hope he takes another Covid shot. Maybe this one will work. In the Daily Mail article, he supposedly was going to renounce his citizenship if Roe v Wade was overturned. Did he? Oh...he didn't? Just like Kathy and a pantheon of other liberals. They talk a great game but do nothing except hold up bloodied heads and masks with "idiot" written on it. Got it. Bravado with no balls.
Ballots win elections not votes. The demoncrats are going to steal this election just like they stole the last presidential election. The Kamala slut/entitiy is going to be the next president of the United Socialist States of America. Your Substack made a very good case for Trump being the lesser of two evils. I do not find it hard to believe the Deep State was responsible for the attempted murder of Trump because of his stated desire to end the war in Ukraine. In this case, the lesser of two evils is still evil. Especially when the lesser of two evils took a hundred million dollar bribe to support the genocide of the of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. This same lesser of two evils also played kissy face with the evil Hitlerian Netanyahu at his Florida mansion.
With all the stupidities committed by Trump in his first term, I think it is charitable to call him an idiot. Here is a list of the top three stupidities I think Trump committed in his first term as President. They all related to foreign policy. 1. Withdrew the United Stated from Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. 2. Unilaterally withdrew the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action otherwise known as the Iran deal. 3. Authorized the murder of Qasem Soleimani which almost led to another Middle Eastern war with Iran. I also have a problem with Trump on moral grounds. In turn for a hundred million dollar bribe from the widow of Sheldon Adelson he is willing to be complicit in the mass murder and intentional starvation of hundreds of thousand innocent men, women, and children in Gaza. The cordial manner in which he received Netanyahu should be enough prevent anyone giving Trump any sort of support. Netanyahu is mass murdering, child killing, child starving scumbag. At the very least he should have to spend the rest of his life in one of those Supermax prisons in solitary confinement. One final note. I know there will be an attempt to impute views to me other than those I explicitly expressed in this post. To these persons I say make the most of it. I know what my views are, and opposition to the genocide of the people of Gaza is opposition to the genocide of the people of Gaza. Nothing more and nothing less. Nor should anything I wrote in this post be interpreted has any kind of support for Kamala entity. I am still a double hater.
Dear Ira, get up to speed, my friend. It's all a show. They're both Deep State. The only choice we have this election is whether or not we'll have the continued infiltration by violent military-aged men at our southern border and continue to fall into anarchy and violence. Trump will stop it. He'll do very little else. My recent column details my outlook if you're interested:
Israel needs to have an Iranian going through the Jordan River Valley into the West Bank underground tunnels surfacing in a business suit with a neat little device in his suitcase in downtown Tel Aviv. A very similar post just got me kicked off of "Gateway Pundit." But, indeed, Iran's "retaliation" will only look like all the rest: ineffectual and afraid. The Iron Dome prevents any serious bombing. Subterfuge will work, but the Iranians are evidently unwilling to play that game so another 100,000 (not the pathetic and inaccurate number of 39,000 so often quoted in our greatly gaslighted press of either Left or Right) residents of Gaza will be murdered and relocated so Israel can own the Gaza. These people don't play nice nor fair. When will we learn? We're a weak species thus far.
Trump had people assassinated, people travelling to a peace conference no less. When you do that you lose the right to complain about such things or for your supporters to complain about them. The guy held up a mask, he didn't order assassinations as Trump did. I know who I would rather share a beer with.
"Hey guys, we're still cool. Look, look! Trumps head! Orange Man Bad!! We're still cool, right guys?"
An embarrassing reminder of the days when I, too, fell for the anti-Trump propaganda. Not that I’m in love with the buffoon now, but let’s just say that the last strings tethering me to the American left and its media outlets were completely severed by the Covid nonsense making the it’s nature obvious and clear to me.
These types of stunts are just free marketing for Trump, and I’m quite sure he knows it.
Green Day was never Punk.
Another aging, neutered rocker hits the dust. Bye, bye. Hope he takes another Covid shot. Maybe this one will work. In the Daily Mail article, he supposedly was going to renounce his citizenship if Roe v Wade was overturned. Did he? Oh...he didn't? Just like Kathy and a pantheon of other liberals. They talk a great game but do nothing except hold up bloodied heads and masks with "idiot" written on it. Got it. Bravado with no balls.
He’s been bored and looking for something to do ever since masturbation lost its fun. He’s also f***in’ lazy.
Sad, if only they would get a Harris, Fauci, Biden and a Trump mask and then set them all on fire. Now that would be proper punk.
Ballots win elections not votes. The demoncrats are going to steal this election just like they stole the last presidential election. The Kamala slut/entitiy is going to be the next president of the United Socialist States of America. Your Substack made a very good case for Trump being the lesser of two evils. I do not find it hard to believe the Deep State was responsible for the attempted murder of Trump because of his stated desire to end the war in Ukraine. In this case, the lesser of two evils is still evil. Especially when the lesser of two evils took a hundred million dollar bribe to support the genocide of the of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. This same lesser of two evils also played kissy face with the evil Hitlerian Netanyahu at his Florida mansion.
With all the stupidities committed by Trump in his first term, I think it is charitable to call him an idiot. Here is a list of the top three stupidities I think Trump committed in his first term as President. They all related to foreign policy. 1. Withdrew the United Stated from Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. 2. Unilaterally withdrew the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action otherwise known as the Iran deal. 3. Authorized the murder of Qasem Soleimani which almost led to another Middle Eastern war with Iran. I also have a problem with Trump on moral grounds. In turn for a hundred million dollar bribe from the widow of Sheldon Adelson he is willing to be complicit in the mass murder and intentional starvation of hundreds of thousand innocent men, women, and children in Gaza. The cordial manner in which he received Netanyahu should be enough prevent anyone giving Trump any sort of support. Netanyahu is mass murdering, child killing, child starving scumbag. At the very least he should have to spend the rest of his life in one of those Supermax prisons in solitary confinement. One final note. I know there will be an attempt to impute views to me other than those I explicitly expressed in this post. To these persons I say make the most of it. I know what my views are, and opposition to the genocide of the people of Gaza is opposition to the genocide of the people of Gaza. Nothing more and nothing less. Nor should anything I wrote in this post be interpreted has any kind of support for Kamala entity. I am still a double hater.
Dear Ira, get up to speed, my friend. It's all a show. They're both Deep State. The only choice we have this election is whether or not we'll have the continued infiltration by violent military-aged men at our southern border and continue to fall into anarchy and violence. Trump will stop it. He'll do very little else. My recent column details my outlook if you're interested:
Israel needs to have an Iranian going through the Jordan River Valley into the West Bank underground tunnels surfacing in a business suit with a neat little device in his suitcase in downtown Tel Aviv. A very similar post just got me kicked off of "Gateway Pundit." But, indeed, Iran's "retaliation" will only look like all the rest: ineffectual and afraid. The Iron Dome prevents any serious bombing. Subterfuge will work, but the Iranians are evidently unwilling to play that game so another 100,000 (not the pathetic and inaccurate number of 39,000 so often quoted in our greatly gaslighted press of either Left or Right) residents of Gaza will be murdered and relocated so Israel can own the Gaza. These people don't play nice nor fair. When will we learn? We're a weak species thus far.
Trump had people assassinated, people travelling to a peace conference no less. When you do that you lose the right to complain about such things or for your supporters to complain about them. The guy held up a mask, he didn't order assassinations as Trump did. I know who I would rather share a beer with.
I'm not a Trump apologist and I don't think holding up heads or burning effigies or anything like that should be illegal, for the record.