The Complete Nonsense Network is a completely lost cause. CNN is to journalism what prostitution is to sanctified marriage.

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All MSM is a lost cause and always has been and always will be. You can never trust it.

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There is not much more freedom than can be had by avoiding all MSM. Why clutter your mind with useless nonsense which is the only thing the MSM can ever provide? People have lived in the wilderness apart from humanity and the "news" and have survived just fine.

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"...The media industry has matured..." Says who? The propaganda has only become more juvenile and absurd, reflecting the degradation and depravity of the ruling class in general. CNN provides a prime example. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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... somebody, call AAA! They're stuck! Lazy, overpaid CNN people, they've dug themselves in, to a propaganda rut! Haven't they? They've just discovered, it's easier digging themselves in, than digging themselves out. So, why even try? Why not pack it in, dance with the one who brung-um, just stick with the democrat narrative, hire back the bald headed fart? -- Samuel.

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Not only are you forgiven, you are applauded.

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