That the government/ruling class supports the censorship of ‘mis/disinformation’ is ironic in the extreme given they are one of if not the largest purveyors of it. But by all means let’s rid ourselves of such nonsense; I could use a break from their constant bullshit, er, I mean, important information.

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Wait for 'Lawfare 2, revenge of the legal fees'.

Cue lawyer jokes...

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I'll start...

What's the difference between a dead lawyer and a dead skunk in the road?

There are tyre marks before the skunk.

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Loudon Wainwright III described this phenomenon well.

Thanks for the memories

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The constitution was designed and written by illuminati - the same people who designed communism, and the same people who today, and for the last two hundred years, are so busily subverting everything we thought and were told it stood for.

The thing is - it never stood for any of that in reality. It's purpose was to usher in a centralized government and it was designed to be subverted from the gitgo.

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The court clearly wants solid evidence. It wants james okeefe type stuff. Or written threats. But the reality meta colluded with government.

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Horseshit! These fuckwitz need to go back to law school!

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Ben, I am massively offended by keir starmer and other european jackasses threatening Americans over free speech. I'm not surprised that biden/harris/walz don't stand up for us, but has Trump responded? We don't need "allies" who don't respect us. I say we should let Britain go its own way the next time it is in trouble. And Europe. Let Russia have them. Russia is less communist than they are and Putin understands respect in a way the Europeans never will, as they grease up their dildos for some diversity up their butts!

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I can explain the mistargeted waste of legal effort.

Despite his vaccine work, RFK is a life long Lefty Screwball without the sense to come on out of the rain.

All the accolades from the Right are based on sudden changes in long held and vocally expressed views.

Its called " Campaigning", and this making him a folk hero is about drawing votes from the Right from Trump.

Warts and all, Trump is the only viable shot there is.

Although my concern is that " very nice" failed Deep State assassination attempt phone call from China Joe.

Very unsettling to hear Trump promote JoeBamaLa's fraudulent sweet old man image when he must know Joe tried to kill him.

And then the next day at a rally, being praised by the speakers for his bravery, the camera panned to Trump and he looked scared shitless.

And then he picks a Deep State Demon, a harsh, loud mouthed critic for a running mate.

Odd sequence of events.

Did old Joe convince him they won't miss next time?

Was this attempt just a warning to prove the SS is owned?

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