Why Do the Congressional Decorum Police Let Dem. Rep. Jeremy Raskin Wear His Stupid Gang Bandana?
The government ninnies in Congress recently got super testy about something called "decorum" when Republican Marjorie Taylor Green exposed her Democrat colleague's sexual escapades with a Chinese government spy named Fang-Fang.
For some reason, though, the "decorum" standard doesn't seem to apply to Democrat Rep. Jeremy Raskin's stupid gang paraphernalia.
Via ABC News:
" Raskin announced in late December he'd been diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, which he described as a "serious but curable form of cancer," and said he was about to begin chemo-immunotherapy.
Raskin joked at the time he was advised the regimen will cause hair loss and weight gain, but that he was "still holding out hope for the kind that causes hair gain and weight loss."
The Maryland Democrat wore a black-and-white bandana during Wednesday's oversight meeting, and has been seen wearing other caps as he endures treatment.
House rules have generally long prohibited the wearing of hats on the floor, though Democrats amended the century-old rule in 2019 to allow for religious headwear."
I swear to God, the first time I saw this, I thought it was some kind of solidary BLM-style solidarity statement to commemorate a recent police shooting of an unarmed minority or some other White Supremacyâ„¢ crime like the George Floyd performance.
The guy has cancer and wants to wear a hat to console himself about hair loss or whatever. Fine.
But does the head covering have to be a Tupac-style bandana haphazardly flopped onto his head? It seems an odd choice for a vaunted, respected body full of august statesmen and state-ladies.
Why not like a nice bowler hat or something?
Raskin recently appeared wearing his getup on state media with Jen Psaki -- who unironically calls herself a journalist because her mother never taught her shame or perhaps she did but it wouldn't take because Jen is a literal psychopath incapable of human emotion -- to shill for more Jan 6th prosecutions.
I bear no undue personal ill will toward Raskin, and, as the believer in karma that I am, I don't wish illness on him.
The rhetorical question we must ask is: would the same grace to wear an urban-looking doo-rag on the Senate floor be granted in the same circumstances to a MAGA domestic terrorist Senator like, say, J.D. Vance?
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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A clown world - and now dressing for the part.
So many 'coverings' to choose from - and he chose the least attractive and the most ageing.
Hilarious! At least he lifted my spirits but for all the wrong reasons.