This Is America: Gas Station Verbal Altercation in Barely Intelligible Urban Dialect Leads to Flipped SUV
This week in the Armageddon Prose This Is America series, we take you to a nondescript gas station in some crumbling American city, hollowed out by de-industrialization and decades of chemical warfare via the food supply, fluoridated water, and pharmaceutical drugs.
The film starts out with what appears to be an altercation over a spot at the pump. One of the ladies involved issues some kind of threat "on my kids." The other urban combatant in an SUV speeds off, hitting a bunch of other cars in the process, then flips on the roadway near a Jiffy Lube.
The passenger, a young lady, then emerges like a Phoenix from the wreckage and continues the verbal altercation with the gas station people.
I'll be honest: despite having attended public school in Atlanta for nearly my entire education from first to twelfth grade, I have no idea what these people are saying throughout at least 50% of the video.
Maybe urban dialects have changed in the intervening years.
(For a taste of my "lived experience," as the Social Justice™ leftists say, here's a recent hors d'oeuvre from Rockdale County near Atlanta, not far at all from where I grew up next door in Dekalb County.)
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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There may be no excuse for the violence that happened, but there are reasons. The ‘social justice’ agenda adopted by the Teachers Union and single parent homes celebrated by the Teachers Union are both primary contributors to the violent, entitled attitudes shamelessly displayed and promoted by the corporate media. Last but not least, the only prosecuted crime in America is political opposition to those in power.
Doesn't seem to take much to trigger some folks. Like tantrums from three year olds but in grown up bodies.
Can't see things getting better but hope they do.