“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild (possible misattribution, but nonetheless consistent with multinational banker ideology)
Presidents come and go.
Some die in office; some retire into the lap of luxury and build monuments to their own greatness using public money; some get shot in the head by magic bullets.
However, they go out, they leave after four or eight years.
Related: WATCH Deep State Capo John Brennan Sweat: ‘I’m on Kash Patel’s Enemy List’
Presidents are temporary; the Fed is permanent.
It’s also entirely beyond any democratic accountability whatsoever — a fact we, ironically, never hear a peep of protestation about from the self-professed Guardians of Democracy™ on the left.
Via Investopedia (emphasis added):
“The independence of America's central bank has always been a contentious issue. In the early days of the Republic, the founding fathers ultimately opted against having a central monetary authority. Although Alexander Hamilton was successful at establishing the Bank of the United States for several years, it ultimately failed. It was not until the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that established the present-day central bank…
The monetary decisions of the Federal Reserve are meant to be separate from the government, and policy moves do not have to be ratified by the President, or anyone else in the Executive Branch…
Independence can also make it easier to execute policies that are politically unpopular but serve a greater public interest. Another argument is that the central bank should be filled with economists and other experts*, rather than politicians or those under political sway.”
*”Trust the experts”! Have we learned our lesson on putting blind faith in government bureaucrats with their own set of (often perverse) interests? Certainly, I have and you probably have, but the NPCs still appear, by and large, to enjoy their domestication.
Watch Fed hobgoblin Alan Greenspan declare on national television that his organization does whatever it wants and its relationships with whatever current president — or Congress, or any other entity — “don’t matter.”
So where is DOGE?
The Department of Education and even USAID are low-hanging fruit compared to the Fed.
Related: Trump to Sic DOGE on Bloated Pentagon?
When the dust settles, if DOGE never takes on the Fed, failing to do so might turn out worse than useless if the public is led to believe the essential corruption infesting the government has been rooted out when, in fact, only the leaves of the putrid tree have been pruned.
“Everyone go back to sleep now, we cut out the child-tranny budget items,” the sirens will sing as they try to lull the MAGA base back into complacency, satiated by the anti-DEI culture war slop the multinational bankers are always happy to dole out if it means they slip the noose yet again.
The money machine and the interests that run it are, in the final analysis, the fount from which spring the child trannyism and the endless wars and the biomedical terror that have defined the early part of this century. Those are merely the downstream manifestations of an unaccountable and rapacious permanent shadow-state with an endless cash supply at its fingertips.
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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Every wrong thing carries within it the seeds of its own destruction and the faltering US society with its broken social contract is the seed that will destroy the FED. They chose the wrong host to parasitise or rather they so weakend that host with their degenerate meddling that it is dragging them down with it and that US millstone around their necks cannot be removed as no other countries are daft enough to take them and their proven interference and degeneracy in.
Simple solution: End. The. FED. Central banking is a practice of the khazarian mafia. Our own "federal reserve" is not a bank, it is not a federal institution nor does it have any reserves. Their sole function is to cause inflation by monkeying around with interest rates and having their "talking heads" release market swinging "information" which is complete horseshit. Under FJB the mission of the fed became more about DEI than about managing the economy, which we can now see the results - inflation out of control, USD no longer world reserve currency, precious metals prices exploding higher. A few months of hyperinflation will be enough to really put the US economy tits up.